Okay so today on my way to the office i was listening to the radio and for those of us that listen to Cool FM, we know that Thursday is Love Day with Dan Foster. So anyway today different kinda ppl called in, one called to ask Dan to call he’s girlfriend and tell her that he cheated but he didn’t mean too, LOL. Since when did you just starting falling on top of a naked woman talk less of into her pu-nay-nay, lmao! Sha moving on then this babe calls and asks Dan to call her boyfriend b’cus he’s mad at her *side note my co-worker is irritating me with d way she’s drinking milo, like ewww why use a spoon to drink d damn thing and then stick out your tongue and then make d ZLURP sound, like how effing irritating!!! I wanna bitch slap her right now, but instead im gonna stare her down or tell her I hate the noise she’s making or simply just walk away.
Back to my story the babe said they’ve been at loggerhead for 11months and she hasn’t spoken to him in that long, that it was even he’s birthday the other day and she called him a few times and he didn’t pick up. Ladies and Gentlemen what does that tell you??!! He ignores you for 11 months and you still have d guts to call him ur boyfriend?? May shopona not strike u down, r u mad??! Basically d guy wanted out like 11months ago and was too chicken to say it and so he does d cowardly thing (like d ex) and ignores u, but u my dear should be smarter than that, you should know that whatever allows ur so-called “boyfriend” not call u in 2wks and then have d guts to ignore ur calls, that ur relationship has come to a screeching halt. So my dear cut losses shed a few tears and move on.
Nehoo so ya Dan gives d guy a call n he’s like “so Sodiq what did Titi do? She said u’ve been ignoring her for the past 11 months” and he’s like uhh she didn’t do anything i’ve been busy chasing money. Is that enough reason not to call? Does that stop u from picking her call? Nigga if u can tell that to a radio host u don’t know from adam what stopped u from telling that to d poor girl?? I’m sorry but guys are stupid sha n may God forgive you, it’s disgusting d cowardice of some of u men.
Neway so yea the last caller, who actually inspired my post today, called the answer the question about Good girls liking bad boys and vice versa. So she calls and is a yuppy mood saying Good men like bad gals; d ones that go out, stay out all night, love to party, always up for adventure etc (uhhh Excuse me?? I all do all d above things, but those dat make me bad?? NOOOOOOOOO). She goes on to say when she was growing up she couldn’t all those things, she had curfews all her life, had to be home at a certain time blah blah (so ya she was d good girl *rolleyes*). Then she gave an example of how she used to date dis guy that wanted her sleep outta her house sometimes, to go for parties and all, but she’s like no she wasn’t gonna go against her father’s wishes and then she goes “where’s he now?” If she made d decision to go against her father. Fair argument, right? Yea until she says well she’s been single for 4 years and she’s happy, that she goes to d movie’s, reads books and it’s fun for her. Dan asked her wat happens wen she watches love scene in movies, doesn’t she feel a certain way and she’s like yea she’s human but she’s single and happy. Dan does all d ohhh and awwws and she’s like u’re gonna make me cry *I thought it was a joke ohh* and she’s like ALL MY BAD FRIENDS ARE ALREADY MARRIED! N she’s sobbing and hangs up!
Yepa! I thot she was single and happy naaa, so why d tears??
So I ask, when u’re in ur late 20’s and early 30’s claiming single and happy “Are u really?”It’s okay to want a man, it’s ok to say that u want one, it’s ok to specify the particular type u want, it’s ok to be singly, happy and searching and still be independent at d same time. There’s no crime against that my sisters.
Also can i say that ur friends are married doesn’t mean they are HAPPY! As long as u’re truly happy, then, dats fine. God did not create you to be sad my sisters YOU are He’s CROWNING GLORY of creation, you my dear were not an after-thought, so he will bring to u your own rib darling, don’t despair.
*oh just so u know I had to tell her zlurp sound was irritating me big time!* Plus im soooo pissed off right now,omg y im i stuck with d most computer illiterate person i know? My patience is wearing thing ohh, imagine just as i was about to view some lovely show that jeams/thalia worefa she be calling herself these days, n KPAM she closed d page, ahn ahn where’s d shoe na my eye catches one necklace on asos.com n KPAM she close my gmail account n FB KPAM she close. Ahn ahn why now? I wanted to eject my flash and it said i should close everything, im astonished!
Guess what i’ve decided to get off an hr early and go n see SATC!!! YAY i’v heard good things, even from a guy, so i guess it can’t be that bad then.
Okay im beginning to fall asleep on my seat ni sha, ok for this reason im gonna start packing my bags. So see u at home *muah*
So im home and im too lazy so i'll see ya'll tomorrow, i know i didn't confess today, Noo not bcos i've been sinless dis week sha,but....

u like my hair??