Thursday, May 20, 2010

Confession, confession, confession...

Father forgive me, for I have sinned...

I confess that I am getting discouraged on this diet thing. I’m not seeing any difference *sigh*
I confess that I don’t really want to be lepa, just drop a couple of dress sizes, that’s lepa enough for me.
I confess that rice and bread wouldn’t be the death of me. It’s so hard to stay away from them.
I confess that whenever I hear my BBM tone, my heart skips and I hope it’s you.
I confess that I get disappointed because it’s never you. OFCOURSE!
I confess that I’m almost positive it’s not who you’re thinking.Amebo, I’m not telling.
I confess that he’s my little secret, I’m not telling either.
I confess that Love don’t leave here no more, it don change address.
I confess that still talk to myself out loud, yes it’s therapeutic but only in private sha :D
I confess that I need a new booty call......#ontothenext
I confess that I am hornery, tehehehe. It’s not easy oh.
I confess, I am BROKE!as in broke.This life is hard!
I confess that sometimes I just tune out and keep to myself. I don’t even want to hear you breathe.
I confess that as I type I am soooooo hungry! All I see is curry chicken!
I confess that even though I shouldn’t, I am highly curious to test how good (or bad) you’d be in bed.
I confess that I love the beach soooooooo much!
I confess that my future hubby n I must own a boat and a beach house and retreat every weekend! (with or without the kids)
I confess I’m a shoe freak, but I’m still broke!
I confess I’m hungry...ok I said that before L
On that note Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours, till next time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmm interesting confessions. It is not by force to be lepa as long as u are happy that's all that matters jo