Gosh! My life is so boring! I'm lying here about to polish off a bottle of Rubis red wine at 3:04am. If you know rubis you'd know it's the sweet chocolate flavored wine,popularly said to make one horny (I said popularly said o,I can't actually confirm that *cough*) So anyway this is the point where I form high and drunk tweet/call/bbm/text, but there's no one to catch such trips with gosh! B-O-R-I-N-G!
It's 2011, I need some excitement in my life, someone to excite me...*sigh*
Am I whining? well it's my blog jo allow it!
It's ok sha,it may not come when I want it,but it won't be late;just when I need it.
Peace,Love,Harmony and Respect to you and yours
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