Wat it do my people?? Welcome,welcome to confession thursday!!!
You know i forgot it was thursday till i saw d confession thread on dat forum dat we all know im on :o. So before i blog imma confess, here goes nothing
I confess that these days i've been bad at confessing
I confess that when i confess it's straight from the heart
I confess that i dont fall often,but wen i do...
I confess i love and appreciate my friends soooo much
I confess i need money mehn
I confess i need/want to shop
I confess d dude i met is irritating me
I confess he's a nice guy,maybe too nice
I confess i hav cramps ryte now
I confess i enojoyed d suprise brownie n cake i got yesterday
I confess i dont wanna hang out 2nyt
I confess i like my hausa man (ok not really,but na my persin)
I confess life is beautiful,most times.
I confess i cant wait for canada '08
I confess i just heard abt my result.OH LORD!
Ok im done,yea nothing scandalous happened dis week,but who im i kidding d week aint ova yet!
So yea mr. movie surprised at my office wit a box of pizza,brownie n ice cream. Part of my fav things,well it wasnt really a surprise cuz he hinted already. Does it make me feel different abt him? uhh NOPE! would i change towards him?? NOPE! it takes WAY more than dat n no he's not on d ryte path. Atleast he hasnt called me today. YAY!!!
Okay then ppl,im done for today. Till d next time,take care of urselves and eachother!LOL
I love d blue eye shadow.. need to cop one from mac. errrrm so he hasnt called u and u dey complain..lol wen he called u complained, now he hasnt u dey complain, mayb homeboy don get d memo... hehe mwah
pweety sis..
i confess nothing..i am a saint :)
Sha i no complain ohhh,did u read me complain??d story don progress i'll jist later
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