I'm sure u're wondering wetin dey do me abi? dont mind me ohhh i missed confession dis week,i kno i kno,well i have nothing to confess,ive totally sinless,hheheheh (yea right!)
So wat ive i been up tooo? I dont kno ohhh,ive been home all week;ok yea i went out on tuesday,i no try? Lemme give u a run down
So on saturday last week,as usual i didnt sleep thruout d night,for some odd reason i was up mega early so decided to do well with my time; i cleaned up my junk room a lil,took a shower n decided to go to church for d 1st service! Never happened before in my whole entire life! My mum was shocked!!! she's like "ehn sista where r u going?" lol(father even gave me money,cuz i was out b4 he even woke up sef). I sure say pastor sef shock! Sha the sermon was uplifting,it was about peace and how God was gonna calm d storm in ur life,Amen sumborri?! I came home trully at peace,i was at peace wit every situation in my life,i was starting d week on a positive note.
Monday was...i dont even remember much abt monday until i got the dreaded call "My brother just died" ehn? say wat? ogini? "yea he was in an accident". Oh lord!My head was spinning,i couldnt say anything.Why lord?but things were goiong fine! U just ordered "Peace be still" in my life! Why Lord! I didnt cry,i couldnt cry,i needed to talk but i just cldnt blog. I felt his pain! I didnt even know dis brother,but i was sad! I felt his pain!.
Tuesday rolled along,i barely slept,my heart was with him. I got up went around n busied myself,trying not to think about it.It was useless,my mind kept going back to him,until i was invited to a birthday dinner (Happy belated birthday MIMI) n finally i could relax. I had fun,good company,good people (I love u guys hard). I felt guilty that i was having fun n he was in pain...
Wednesday,thursday n friday i nursed a swollen gum followed by a sore throat n now u can add a cold to it!So effing uncomfortable!Some ppl say there's always sumthin wrong wit me,lol,eff u jooo :rolleyes:
So i declare PEACE BE STILL in your lives today! Amen!
Till next time,take care of urselves n eachother.Life's too short. PEACE,LOVE,HARMONY and RESPECT to u n ur's
P.S thanks to those who commented on my previous post,hehehe!
Also im i d only one dat equates d sensation u feel from cleaning ur ears to dat u feel wen u're "cuming". Im not wierd jooo :o
Oh ya UP NAIJA!! una no win,but una try,d brazillians for help us break messi's leg last week!
pic from Sha money
Sorry for your loss.
Get well soon.
Take medication so the whole thing can clear.
Enjoy ur weekend.
Hope u get well soon too. Guess you had a rily hectic week. Sure ur up to it tho.
Take care
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