Thursday, March 25, 2010

Untop all ya grey hair

“Ehen! Yes, I came to fought you” *blank stare*
Tiaun! Gbagaun! Pishaun! Gboa! Everybody bend down for the arrow...aaaarrrroooow! and so on etc.
Damn it! She almost took of my head with that gunshot. God help me in this office sha. Ok why is this boy scratching his balls next to me? Ewww
Moving on swiftly! Tamilore is sounding funny, I think it’s the hard drive or something, I just keep getting the feeling one day she’ll die on me (yea tamilore is my laptop :D) I better fix her asap!
So uhhh what was I going to blog about today? *blank stare* I don’t remember *blinks, still come up blank*. Oh well! I’m doing very well today, it was a good day all in all (note as I type its Wednesday night). I don’t expect much from people, so I’m less disappointed when fuck ups happen. Na so life be.
Ok so today I travelled to d rock city to get a new passport (yay, I may be leaving on a jet plane, I wish!) so anyway there we are queuing up to get our old passport cancelled and just before my mum’s turn some old lady comes out of nowhere and cuts in, in the confusion she almost gets her new passport cancelled (dat woulda been funny) and mother goes “that’s what happens when you don’t wait your turn” and then the baba stamping the passports replies “well you know it’s only right to give priority to elders” uhhhh yea sure whatever, when elder doesn’t have courtesy for herself. I’m all for respecting your elders and everything but as I always say “grey hair doesn’t equal wisdom”. So what if she’s old, did she not see people on the queue? Isn’t someone on that queue older than someone else? She could have easily played the age card and asked to cut the line, instead of playing smart, kmt. Anyway, so we are done and are walking to the car when we hear this woman talking to someone else (presumably younger) and shouting about how the person disrespected her by giving her something with his left hand...yet another culture trait I don’t understand, does it REALLY matter what hand I use to give you something? Is the left hand a bad hand? What if I wipe my ass and do bad things with my right hand? Would it make a difference? Would they now prefer I use my left? I very much doubt that though.
Anyway I’m just rambling ‘cause I seriously wonder about some aspects of our culture. Also how everyone as old as your parents or older become “mummy””daddy””big mummy” etc or how once you’re married you become “mummy or daddy*insert child’s name*. What happens to your individuality once you become someone’s parent? Is it lost? I once had a friend who told me when she gets married that I can’t call her husband by name anymore, I have to call him “daddy lagbaja”. Erm but what if they don’t have children- I don’t wish them such, but what about parents who don’t have children just yet or are having difficulty having kids, does that make them “less respected” in our culture? Because I’m wondering what they’ll call such people. Oh and don’t get me started with the women who call their husbands “daddy” not only is it highly unsexy, I also find it freaky... no way José! My daddy and I didn’t do those things we were doing last night (*dead*).
Anyway lesson learnt “grey hair doesn’t equal wisdom”. Respect everyone, young and old alike; your reward is in heaven, lol ok I don’t know I just added that bit, tehehehe
Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect! *muah*

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