Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome back,welcome back...Welcome back!

Wow I haven’t done this in ages! I don’t remember why I stopped writing, I’m not sure what exactly happened, but I stopped and now years later I’m back again, with so many questions, so many things on my mind, so many things in my head. I’m not even sure what to make out of all these things. I’m not even sure exactly how I feel, all I know is, I feel...
I feel like water is welling up in my body, trying to come out. Yes I’m a cry baby; I cry when I’m happy, I cry when I’m sad, I cry when I’m frustrated, I cry when I see u cry, heck I cry when they cry in movies. Yea, I guess you can say I’m the emotional kind.
This is my blog, and I’m going to write straight from the heart what I feel, whenever I feel and try to put those feelings into words. Welcome Blogville to my feelings: insert smile:
Today, it has been a mish-mash of feelings, I’ve been happy, moody, straight up angry and now I’m upset. Yea, go ahead, ask me; is it that time of the month? Lol.
Anyway! I’ve been thinking a lot these past few days, about my future, what I’m going to do, who I’m going to be and to be honest I’m scared! Mama didn’t raise no fool, but I’m scared of the decisions that I take today and how they’ll affect my future. 5years ago did I make the wrong decision? Did I choose the wrong career path? Did I start the wrong business? Did I make the wrong friends? Did I rely on the wrong people for support?
The answer is maybe, maybe I did take the wrong steps and do the wrong things, but it’s not too late to change the path which I’m on now and focus, really focus on God and me. Because, at the end of the day it’s just me. Don’t get it twisted I have a great family and good friends, but sometimes you do it for you, not for anyone else.
What I’ve learned today is that people are what they are, they are just people and people come and go. One day you’re hot and the next you’re not! I write today because you upset me, I write because you are not who I thought you were. I don’t know what I thought, I’m not sure, but it sure isn’t this.
The decisions we take today affect who we are tomorrow and remember
that to thyself be TRUE.
Peace, love, harmony and respect to you and yours!

this post was typed up last night btw

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