Friday, December 30, 2011

Behold, I will do a new thing...

It's been forever since I blogged, I have tried once or twice since then but words...words... they just seem so hard to string together.
So what has happened since the last time? Well, I got a job. Yay right? Right. It's a job sha, does it pay my bills? Am I now financially independent? Am I happy at my job? The answer to all is NO! but it's a job right? Right!
The year has come to an end and I thank God for His grace. Grace is defined as "God's unmerited favour" and I hold on to that. He has been merciful even when I didn't deserve it. 2011 was not the best year, but I'm hopeful for 2012. I pray that 2012 will be good to me. I pray that I will be good to 2012 and hold on tight to my God, keep my side of things.
I drifted off to sleep tonight and woke to a broadcast from a friend/roommate at uni it was an early new year message and it had a scripture. Isaiah 43: 19
"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." 
NIV version says "For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?"
I read it and it touched me in my Spirit, I decided to read the passage from the beginning. Tears began to pour from my eyes... I have gone so far from my God. I've been so distant from Him, I've not been able to partake of the promises He had for me in 2011. Then I got to verse 22
" 22 But thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob; but thou hast been weary of me, O Israel.  23Thou hast not brought me the small cattle of thy burnt offerings; neither hast thou honoured me with thy sacrifices. I have not caused thee to serve with an offering, nor wearied thee with incense."
Things got real. I haven't called upon Him, yes I say by God's grace but I haven't really called upon Him. I haven't offered him sacrifices. I owe God, so how do I expect all those promises? *sigh*
I don't mean to preach, it's not something I didn't know before but it's a time for sober reflection. I thank God for His grace, ask for forgiveness and pray for the grace to be better from now hence forth.
OKAY! I'll stop here. I wish you all (those that come here from time to time and those that just stumbled upon this page) a FANTASTIC New Year!!! May the best of the past years, be the worst of the latter years, may He cause His light to shine upon you, may He lift you up among kings, may the grounds always rise up to meet you, may you find favour wherever you go... AMEN!!!

Till next time, Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and your's. See you in the New Year.
Ms. Bollz

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