I remember January 1,2010 like it was yesterday. Walking home from church with my cousins a little after midnight,talking on the phone to my (then) boyfriend, apologizing for the wrongs of the past year and making promises for the new year. Fast forward to 3pm Jan1,I took the decision to walk away from the turbulent relationship. I promised myself happiness in 2010 and wasn't going to remain in a relationship that wouldn't work,if on the first day of the new year only a few hours after making promises can't be perfect then what does the rest of the year hold for us?
Turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. I'm thankful for that day,I'm thankful for where I am today,I'm thankful for I have learnt never to settle for less than I deserve.
I haven't found what I'm looking for but I know God will bring him to me,the one He has made specially for me so I don't worry about that anymore.
2010 was all sorts of things for me,so I look forward to a better 2011. A career change is in the works,i'm actually excited about this. May God crown my efforts with success. AMEN!
It is well with us all. Here's to a fabulous year with family,friends who have become family and people with meet and communicate with from day to day *cheers*