Saturday, October 25, 2008
It's been ages!!!!
So wats been going on? Well since d last time i blogged,i finally had my party yes n i luked hot! if i may say so myself! It was soo much fun n im glad i didnt chicken out at d end.
The whole weekend started on thursday with a house full of ladies! My folks left us home for d weekend on friday,lol. Went out got my hair done by Bobby himself (well my regualr stylist woulda done it but he pissed me off,so Bobby offered), d hair was luking fly mehn,infact dat is d longest weave i've eva had (4 weeks!). Sha d party kicked off at bar 10,rushed a bottle of bubbly with with d ladies n uh *erm* well atleast i rushed d bottle,lol.
The night was beautiful,so much dancing,too much drinking for some,wonderful people,just a good ol' time n a FAT ASS BILL at d end of d night! YEEPAA! I was soo high n free i just laughed it off,like yea wateva i'll pay joo! Omo i still dey drink d garri of d thing oh!LMAO!
It was beautiful,i promise u it was n im entirely grateful to all d people who made it so,both in presence n in spirit! I LUV U HARD!
Since then well i've been busy doing basically everything! from tryna stay sane in dis crazy world,to trying to maintain relationships,to getting my grades higher,to tryna make money. Yes im the new generation WONDER WOMAN! lol,yo do u guys remember dat movie??mehn wen i was 5 i had a wonder woman cake for my birthday. Wait! did i just reveal my age?hehehe! sweet 16 lomo!
Sha i'll try n stop by more often,sha its just dat u kno dis last lap is tough,so i gotta work now,play later n keep keeping on!
So people take care of urselves and eachother. Till the next time PEACE,LOVE,HARMONY n RESPECT!!!!!!!!
P.S dis posted was prompted by one of my lovely readers "L",dis post is for u.Thanks for d push!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Vacation n more randomness
So what have been up to since i got to canada? Well, d main thing dat brought us all here (Us being my family).It was my aunty's 50th birthday celebration,s we all made d trip,my family (minus brother) from naija,my uncle also came with his wife n 3 kids frm naija n UK,my aunty n my cuzin came from London,my other aunty from maryland also made d trip.This is just my aunty's side ohhh.It was a full house infact,it was a full 2 houses,cuz d main house was s full,some adults had to go to another house!
You wonder y everyone traveled? Well besides d fact dat my aunty is a special person n most of d family hasnt been together like dis in a long while... last year my aunty survived breast cancer and we all havnt sen her since then. We were praying for her,she's a strong woman who found her praise in spite of pain n sickness.The lord was with her n he healed her,so for that reason we made d long ass trip to Calgary,Alberta,Canada to celebrate life with her n her family. The ceremony was beautiful,everyone decked in their aso ebi n geles for d older ones,we all had fun,it was an intimate ceremony. We thank God everyday for our lives n d loves in our lives i.e family cuz really at d end of d day dat is all we have. So keep ur family close to u,they will be there for u always.
Neway so ya ive been chilling ohhh nothing much happening here,canada use style dry sha,lol.Ehen yes so i went to dis club ova here n uhhhh wow,all i can say is i'll pick my kini big deal n Gbono feli feli anytime.its been a long time since i saw ppl dance like dat cant hear d music,like dey walked outta their houses with pre-recorded songs in their head n so dey r oblivious to d one playing.LOL awon chinkos feeling funky. It was a new experience sha,LOL
I've missed home terribly,by day 2 i was seriously missing home,not bcos canada is dat dry but bcos i just missed my peoples n how we hang out n... i just missed home sha. I'll be home in a few days and den its off to school for d last lap (yes oh na race).
Things are going on in my life but i'll keep it off here for as long as i can not for any reason but just cuz i dont wanna let all d cats outta d bag just yet.
Ok i don dey yawn it's 1am n dis will be d earliest time ive slept in almost a month,so make i comot n try sleep jare.
Take care f urselves and each other!Till d next time PEACE,LOVE,HARMONY n RESPECT to u n ur's.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Big love!
Oh shit i forgot wat i was gonna blog abt so im just gonna freestyle!
Okay so today i signed on my msn jejely as i do every morning,to see dat mr.ex has asked for add request,pls ohhh y dis man dey find me?wetin happen na? it's been almost a yr witout any contact so y is he findin me?Please my blogville fellows help me ask ohh. Foolishness!
Continuing on foolishness,das how today ohh as i dey nurse my swollen eyes,stuffy nose n pounding head (d cause?well dts a story for anoda day).sha i was chatting wit my friends ohh,ppl lifting my spirits dis morning,dats how my fone rings *Olorunmaje ohhh* who is it? aka poet! "Ya hello?" "hi sista,so im calling to see if u can help me abt d thing i told u abt last week". Egbami ohh i resemble bank?? I told u wasnt feeling too good,u didnt ask me wat was wrong nothing,i told u i had bills to pay,i was making a trip so i was spending money madly,but noooooo he didnt address those.It's only his own money issue dat he cared abt *mmchhewww*.Even if i had d money to spend i wouldnt give him,for exhibiting such foolishness!! mmchheww naija men!
Meanwhile,i have beautiful friends thank Jesus for these friends,thank u for bringing dem to me n me to them.
After talking abt foolishness of men,recently i met this guy...actually i cant even say i met him sef. I was out wit my usual group of friends at our fav bar,chilling,jisting,doing wat friends do on a saturday evening...sha there was dis guy on our table,he's not a friend of mine,but a friend of friends.I noticed dis guy was looking at me from time to time,im like shuoo do i hav sumthin on my nose?lol. When d table clears out abit he moves closer to me and says "You have so much love in your heart"(no it wasnt a pick up line)im like say wat? He repeats himself,im like well dats interesting that a complete stranger can see it just by observing me around my friends for a few mins.He then says "I hope d disappointment hasnt been much","dont worry the right guy,who'll appreciate dat love will come". I giggle "i hope so!".
That struck sumthin in me,im i dat transparent now,or dis guy just has good eyes? No he wasnt tryna chat me up,dats all he said to me and we didnt even introduce ourselves until we were saying goodnight! I havnt seen him since then,i'l still see him around cuz we hav common friends,but he touched me that night n i appreciate it.
Yes i hav BIG LOVE,i have sooooo much love to go round,even after d pain i still love,i hav so much love i feel ur pain with u! I dont love often but wen i's hard n deep!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Egbami oh,won fe je igbe mi ohh
Sha ohh as i still dey lament abt my sis's own ohh,na so my own too come (no not my ex).His friend or is it ex-friend sha sha im still cool wit d friend,neway he's like "hey sista wassup?avnt heard from u in a while",im like ahh i've just been there oh bla blah bla. He's like "ehen i saw our mutual friend a week ago,he came to meet me at an event (Note dt dis monkey hasnt called dis guy since he got married n came bck from his honeymoon)... n he was talkin abt how u (me) n I (friend) hav been going up n down 2geda in lagos n how ive(friend) been sending u love msgs dat u (me) forwarded to...(ur lets call her kim)... kim n kim inturn showed it to (lets call him peter)... peter who den told him.
Egbami!! See d long line of ppl wey d jist don touch,im sorry ohh mr.ex its not ur bizness who im painting d town red wit,whether its ur friend or not,d same friend u ex-ed outta ur life.I dont think u should be bothered abt any other woman other than ur new bride!
[jist continued] that so he(friend) had my number all this while n didnt give him wen he asked for it.Meanwhile friend even deleted my number wen dey were still chummy cuz he accused me of getting wit him(friend) to get back at him.[/jist ended]
I'm sorry ohh but how is wat i do n wat i dont do dis guys bizness?See as he wan take spoil my market! shebi u no wan do,allow make another person do naaa.This is d same bomboclat(sp) dat has been sending me forwarded emails dis week,come dis nigga no make i send shopona to u ohhh.I dont bother abt u n i suggest u do d same abi kini gan? sho fe je igbe mi ni?(u wanna eat my shit?)
Sha i'll be back to update
Title Translates "Help me,they wanna eat my shit"
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I'm sure u're wondering wetin dey do me abi? dont mind me ohhh i missed confession dis week,i kno i kno,well i have nothing to confess,ive totally sinless,hheheheh (yea right!)
So wat ive i been up tooo? I dont kno ohhh,ive been home all week;ok yea i went out on tuesday,i no try? Lemme give u a run down
So on saturday last week,as usual i didnt sleep thruout d night,for some odd reason i was up mega early so decided to do well with my time; i cleaned up my junk room a lil,took a shower n decided to go to church for d 1st service! Never happened before in my whole entire life! My mum was shocked!!! she's like "ehn sista where r u going?" lol(father even gave me money,cuz i was out b4 he even woke up sef). I sure say pastor sef shock! Sha the sermon was uplifting,it was about peace and how God was gonna calm d storm in ur life,Amen sumborri?! I came home trully at peace,i was at peace wit every situation in my life,i was starting d week on a positive note.
Monday was...i dont even remember much abt monday until i got the dreaded call "My brother just died" ehn? say wat? ogini? "yea he was in an accident". Oh lord!My head was spinning,i couldnt say anything.Why lord?but things were goiong fine! U just ordered "Peace be still" in my life! Why Lord! I didnt cry,i couldnt cry,i needed to talk but i just cldnt blog. I felt his pain! I didnt even know dis brother,but i was sad! I felt his pain!.
Tuesday rolled along,i barely slept,my heart was with him. I got up went around n busied myself,trying not to think about it.It was useless,my mind kept going back to him,until i was invited to a birthday dinner (Happy belated birthday MIMI) n finally i could relax. I had fun,good company,good people (I love u guys hard). I felt guilty that i was having fun n he was in pain...
Wednesday,thursday n friday i nursed a swollen gum followed by a sore throat n now u can add a cold to it!So effing uncomfortable!Some ppl say there's always sumthin wrong wit me,lol,eff u jooo :rolleyes:
So i declare PEACE BE STILL in your lives today! Amen!
Till next time,take care of urselves n eachother.Life's too short. PEACE,LOVE,HARMONY and RESPECT to u n ur's
P.S thanks to those who commented on my previous post,hehehe!
Also im i d only one dat equates d sensation u feel from cleaning ur ears to dat u feel wen u're "cuming". Im not wierd jooo :o
Oh ya UP NAIJA!! una no win,but una try,d brazillians for help us break messi's leg last week!
pic from Sha money
Thursday, August 14, 2008
It's time and i know i'm ready
After d breakup,i went thru all d phases dat come widdit; Hurt,Anger,not sending,then back to being hurt,then being hurt for a while (esp wen he had moved on). I was hurt that it was sooo easy for him to move on quickly to the next phase of his relationship wit his nu chick wen i was still hurting. Wanna know wat i did d weekend we broke up?? i partied!!! My girls n i hit d town n we partied i called it my Liberation weekend,it was fun trust me,a good way to hide d hurting but still not enough to take d pain away.
I was living my life 1 day at a time,trying not to think abt it,trying not to think abt how my life woulda been if we were still together,trying not to think abt him wen i saw a flipping laptop power pack! then i realized its not possible to actually forget abt him,but it was possible to get over the hurt n move on from it n allow myself feel again.
I met random guys during my healing phase,but there was always an issue,but it wasnt entirely me cuz there will always be issues btw d male n female genders. So i decided to focus on other things,thats wen PR came along,it allowed me to focus on other things.
I still think abt him occassionaly,maybe refer to him from time to time but he doesnt rule my mind nemore,doesnt rule my thoughts or even my choice of men.
I am free!!! Yes thats right this naija sista is free from hurt n pain n is soooo ready to move on,so oya begin to submit ur brothers,cuzins,bestfriends etc resumes for screening. It's gonna be on a first come,first serve basis ohhh,hhehehehehehehe!
Ok someone said i type too long,i'll stop now.
Till d next time Peace,Love,Harmony n Respect to u n urs
It's Confession time again!!!
I confess its starting all over again
I confess i need to keep my feelings in check
I confess it's hard too
I confess i've been up to nothing at all
I confess im becoming useless to myself
I confess i have a good heart
I confess i love to party sha,but i dont.
I confess im tooo focused on u right now
I confess i wanro party joooo
I confess i need to make money jare
I confess i want a tattoo,Seriously!
I confess i want another piercing,my earlobe maybe
I confess im actually considering perming abit of my hair for a weave
I confess d thought is freaking me d fuck out!
I confess one foolish mosquito dey chop my leg as i dey type sha
I confess i wish i was in his arms sha
I confess d next person that calls me outta d blue to ask me for money is gonna get it,ahn ahn i resemble bank??
Okay im done,or maybe not sha,but i think its safer to stop now
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Confession Time!!!!!!!!!!
I Confess that im a nice person,i swear i am
I confess dat a certain has broken up wit their own certain sum1 n wen i read it i cracked d fuck up!hehehehe!
I confess that i've been up to no-good lately
I confess i like bad boys e.g...? mindyabizness
I confess i miss my old friends sha
I confess im so busy with work n chasing money im forgetting my old friends
I confess i dooooo like my new friends very much n 1day dey too shall become old,but still friends
I confess i wonder wen i'll find a man,wen i'd rather hang out wit my friends than go on a date!
I confess good ppl bring out d best in me
I confess im about to make plenty money ohhh
I confess the lord is good n He is doing great things
I confess i love him unconditionally (dont ask me who)
I confess that im broke ohh
I confess im more than broke,infact im broken!
I confess im gonna party tonight mehn!!! Fork brokeness jooo,dem no kno me??
I confess im gonna miss him wen he goes ohhh
I confess,i confess no more for dis week.
Toodles my ppl of blogville!!!
Omo u don make me fall inlove ohhhhhh
So tuesday was Mr.poems birthday(Happy birthday Mr. poem,lol) well i know u're wndering how i kno,uhh No i didnt remember d date from centuries ago,thankuverymuch! He called me out of d blue(NO im not complaining dt he hasnt called) on monday evening to invite me to his birthday party on tuesday night,its a working night so ppl are gonna sleep ova mn dat he knows i think he lives at d end of d earth(which he does by d way) i should pls try n come. LOLOL people are funny sha,i mean yea im honoured u thot to invite me for ur party even wen u've not called me(im not complaining) in iono how long.but like seriously did u think i was gonna come??
Moving on sharply Boss lady was around!!!Yea she was in lagos for 2wks worked her butt off went back n landed in d hospital while i stayed back n fell ill for abt a week!!!! I mizz bobby!!! Come back joo but im sure ur family missed u more

aint she puurty here?
So have u gotten urself "THE ENTERTAINER" album?? wat r u waiting for?? go n gerrit joo,if u cant send me a message i'll get u one. So neway im feeling some particular tracks n dat album is abt to go into over drive mehn.Like "Fall inlove" yes ohh d Kokomaster don fall inlove,lmao! (Hence my title ppl). So yes tife don fall inlove,u kno say wen Tife fall inlove water don pass im garri!
So my baiday is coming next month n i already have a wishlist ohh(babe i kno u dont read dis but jst incase u run outta ideas on wat to get,my list is a great place to start *wink*)
Uhhh watelse sef? Oh yea i hav an increased number of readers ohhh,dey read but dont comment it's all good jare i write bcos of u! *THINKING* but i had quite a number of things to blog abt naa,mo ti gba gbe ohh.
I love u all,i love my friends.
So till next time,take care of urselves and eachother
P.s Next is confessions!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My heart weeps,the tears i can't shed
Its thursday again so ya im gonna be confessing,altho i was relatively good dis past week but HEY it promises to be one helluva weekend.
YAY!!!! Bosslady LOL Bobby Taylor is gonna be in lag n im excited.There's already so much to be done and so much fun to have while doing it i.e Dbanj's album/foundation launch. Neway i'll keep ya'll posted.
So str8 to d bizness of the day,it's CONFESSION TIME!!
I confess that im excited to have internet back
I confess that i couldnt careless abt dis certain person
I confess i've finally shuu-ed him away n i dont feel bad :D
I confess im becoming so mean these days n NO it's not anger!
I confess i've been bumping into ppl from dat bad dream(old relationship)i had
I confess i've been looking fly n being truly happy those times. Go figure
I confess i've been listening to RESENTMENT by Beyonce wit a new meaning.
I confess that i went shopping crazy dis week n i still have d urge
I confess i want a jewel by Lisa (JBL) dress so bad
I confess i want those miu miu bags i saw *sigh*
I confess im not really luking forward to going back to school
I confess i NEED MONEY!!!
I confess i got a call abt another "friend" n i was kinda hurt/upset,but not surprised. wait im i getting attached again?
I confess i couldnt cry!!! I heard n i was stunned but i didnt cry,i stil haven't
I confess dat confession is abt to get juicier by d week!!!!
Ok so on tuesday i got a text from my friend saying our other friend passed on!!! Omo i was shocked!!! i couldnt cry,i couldnt scream,i just sat there n read d message over n over. I dont understand how a young man can just sleep and not wake up,i dont understand,i just dont get it. We weren't that tight but we had our close moments,i knew u well enough to grieve n mourn ur passing,it's sad NIYI WILLIAMS that u're gone,dat u left like dat. How can d evil hands of death just take u away like dat?? U won't be around to share my successes with me,u wont be here to make me laugh wit ur silly sense of humor. Worst of all i hate that i hadn't been a good friend,i cant remember d last time i spoke to u,but i do remember d last time i saw,u came to my house to see me n u prank called Mr ex wit my phone,i almost ate u alive for it but we still laughed abt it n it was all good. I hadnt had a shower ir brushed(eww) but we still hung like we had known eachother forever. Things were just looking up for u,dey were getting better n i was silently watching ur progress from afar,i should have been more up close,i shoulda asked how things were with u.
I pray God will comfort ur family and friends,i know that u shall REST IN PEACE Niyo,we love u.
Ok so on that note i'll sign out,there was jist but i cant bring myself to write about it nemore,pls bear with me.
So take care of urselves and eachother,live life today cuz we dont know wat 2morow brings.Tell that someone how u feel today,cease every moment and kick ass!!! Muah!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wat it do my people?? Welcome,welcome to confession thursday!!!
You know i forgot it was thursday till i saw d confession thread on dat forum dat we all know im on :o. So before i blog imma confess, here goes nothing
I confess that these days i've been bad at confessing
I confess that when i confess it's straight from the heart
I confess that i dont fall often,but wen i do...
I confess i love and appreciate my friends soooo much
I confess i need money mehn
I confess i need/want to shop
I confess d dude i met is irritating me
I confess he's a nice guy,maybe too nice
I confess i hav cramps ryte now
I confess i enojoyed d suprise brownie n cake i got yesterday
I confess i dont wanna hang out 2nyt
I confess i like my hausa man (ok not really,but na my persin)
I confess life is beautiful,most times.
I confess i cant wait for canada '08
I confess i just heard abt my result.OH LORD!
Ok im done,yea nothing scandalous happened dis week,but who im i kidding d week aint ova yet!
So yea mr. movie surprised at my office wit a box of pizza,brownie n ice cream. Part of my fav things,well it wasnt really a surprise cuz he hinted already. Does it make me feel different abt him? uhh NOPE! would i change towards him?? NOPE! it takes WAY more than dat n no he's not on d ryte path. Atleast he hasnt called me today. YAY!!!
Okay then ppl,im done for today. Till d next time,take care of urselves and eachother!LOL
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Egbami ohhh
U guys dont gerrit,it's too soon. As in seriously guys it's not like ive known him dat long,wo it's too much now,it's too early for all dis jagbajantis n its comin across like he's trying to hard and i dont want someone dt is almost annoying while being sweet,it should flow n i dont wanna feel like im being mean cuz we arent moving on d same pace,im WAY behind n i dont have plans on speeding up
Egbami ohhh,won fe je igbe mi ohhh,bcos i don hammer!!!!! I didnt know i was dat fine ohhh
Wat it do?
Sooo yea i was gonna blog yesterday but my office got shut down,lol dont ask me how or u.
So neway i went to get breakfast yesterday at d barcelos n as im walking i see dis car dat i kno oh so very well n my chest just tightens,dts d feeling i get wen i know sumthin is gonna happen,or sumthin/someone i dont wanna see,or its just a funky feeling. Neway im walking in n im telling myself gurl r u on crack?it cant be him,dont be silly,ofcourse he's not here,he's not d only one dt drives dat kinda car u kno?
Lo and behold i see him "d ex",sitting there typing away at he's laptop,suffocating the hell outta dat chicken bone. The first thing that goes thru my mind is "wats he doing here?" he never comes to d island well i guess dats wat marriage does to u *Wait i didnt tell ya'll he was married? nooooo not wen we were together,but he got married 2wks ago to d love of he's life*
Nehooo i order wat i want n wait! damn d wait was long ohhh,as in almost 30mins for a flimsy sandwich!!!! i dont know if he saw me n really i dont care if he did. the truth is we r strangers to eachother now and he is wat he is a bad dream i'd never forget in a hurry.
And NO! im not still having sleepless nights over him (actually i neva did) but he does owe me n will pay someway,some how *evil grin*
Oh before we go on,welcome another anonymous reader, HI!!! welcome i promise to confess dis week,i kno i kno i always promise but i'll do it dis week.
Ok so sumthin weird just happened,i updated my status on FB dat doesnt favour someone n like dat my FB is not browsing nemore,lmao!
Ok so im back to work mode n im seriously slacking,i love PR but it takes patience n d grace of God to deal with some ppl.
Neway so wats new??
I has to blog about dis,dis morning who knows d things that may still happen today *sighs*
Monday, July 7, 2008
So i went to see a movie d other day i met,dis guy. Well more like d guy tried to cut me off in line,paid for my movie n now he's irritating me BIG time.
Okay here's d story, so i get to d front of d line,im rushing cuz i was already late n dis guy tries to cut infront of me n d lady at d counter smiles at me. i didnt even luk up,cos really naija men no get manners. Neway d girl at d counter luks at me n smiles n i flash her my mega watt smile n im like "a ticket for incredible hulk pls" n she's like how may im like 1 n im digging for my wallet to pay n d guy besides me goes "im seeing d same movie she's seeing" and pays .
Ok fine i luk up at d dude n im like thank u,but... he's like oh no pls im running an NGO dat buys tickets for ladies wit a nice smile im like "oh really wen did u start dis NGO" n he's "today actually" (in a very cute accent)
I shoulda known,not to start it ohh,but he seemed nice but now he's becoming damn right IRRITATING!!! yea i kno i have issues!
But i havnt known u for a week sef n u've written me a poem? ok seriously but really isnt dat a tad too much?? So i was dis cussing it with a friend of mine n here r some excerpts from out chat
*friend*... says:
Did u meet up with that guy?
* T*I*F*E* says:
* T*I*F*E* says:
ok i have issues i kno
* T*I*F*E* says:
but d guy irritates me already
* T*I*F*E* says:
n he's really nice n seems to like me,but i find him irritating
* T*I*F*E* says:
i kno im mean,but woreva
*friend*... says:
*friend*... says:
how is he irritating?
* T*I*F*E* says:
d thing is i dont even kno
*friend*... says:
*friend*... says:
so y do u keep meeting him?
* T*I*F*E* says:
lol iono,im bored i guess
* T*I*F*E* says:
n he keeps calling,he even wrote me a poem!
* T*I*F*E* says:
i kno he's a nice guy,but there's just sumthin dat isnt doing it for me
* T*I*F*E* says:
he's to mushy i guess
* T*I*F*E* says:
no it isnt him being mushy,its just....
*friend*... says:
hes too attentive
*friend*... says:
u dont want him to be an ass
*friend*... says:
but u want him to be a little unavailable
*friend*... says:
hes giving u too much too soon
*friend*... says:
almost like it's too easy
* T*I*F*E* says:
* T*I*F*E* says:
yea it's too easy,nothing is dis easy
* T*I*F*E* says:
i mean i met him wen?thursday?
*friend*... says:
lol yea
*friend*... says:
i know guys like that
*friend*... says:
irritates the hell out of me
*friend*... says:
thats how one idiot called me 23 times and sent me 11 text msgs in 15mins
*friend*... says:
becuase he thought i was angry with him
*friend*... says:
we werent dating o!
*friend*... says:
after that i told him
*friend*... says:
i would never like him
*friend*... says:
we just dont click and to stop wasting his time
* T*I*F*E* says:
we r soo much alike mehn
* T*I*F*E* says:
like seriously,HE WROTE ME POEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*friend*... says:
esp since i love to write and read
*friend*... says:
but uhm
*friend*... says:
u just met me
*friend*... says:
i could be psycho
*friend*... says:
i could have herpes,i could be a demon
*friend*... says:
how do u know?
* T*I*F*E* says:
i kno ryte
* T*I*F*E* says:
as in really,it wasnt really a lovey poem,but still
* T*I*F*E* says:
EEEWWW,i mean is dat how u go about tripping for gals?
* T*I*F*E* says:
n ryte now im at a point in my life dat i have WAY more fun hanginf out wit my friends
* T*I*F*E* says:
dat wit some guy,feels like we r dating
* T*I*F*E* says:
especially a guy dats not my friend 1st
* T*I*F*E* says:
so neway,d guy is gonna be on pause ryte now
* T*I*F*E* says:
imagine oh
* T*I*F*E* says:
he was going thru d pics on my fone n he's like he wanted to send one n im like NO!
* T*I*F*E* says:
dude i dont kno u like dat,wat do wanna do go n start jerking off to my pic?
* T*I*F*E* says:
i showed him d pic of dis brownie n icecream
* T*I*F*E* says:
den he calls n asks me to send him d pic,im like y after a while he eventually tells me
* T*I*F*E* says:
cuz i said dats part of my fav things n he wanted to get it for me
* T*I*F*E* says:
As in really kilode?? i kno its d lil things dat makes me melt,but if i liked him now it would be a different case
*friend*... says:
*friend*... says:
but its like
*friend*... says:
hes not giving u a chance to like him
*friend*... says:
its going too much into overload
* T*I*F*E* says:
as in i liked him d 1st day but now??he's goin a lil too strong
Okay so wat do u guys think?? no ohhh i dont hav herpes ohh,lol. but seriously do i hav issues or r dey normal issues?? Cuz ryte now im putting d guy on stand still jare,abeg i no get dat kain time abeg, shuuu!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
He still loves me
So i was bored as hell and didnt know wat to blog abt so i stole dis quite annoying meme from exschoolnerd. So here goes, quite long sha n somewhat annoying,but i still finished it
Aint no mountain high enough- Aretha Franklin done by Mariah,destiny’s child etc
E be like say- tuface
Does it make sense??? *shrugs*
Mo gbono- dbanj
That right my guy has to be gbono mehn, don’t want no lukewarm typa guy
To na sibe –dbanj
Lmao *dead* no comment n no, im not horny: o
No long thing –Mo hits allstars
Ehn?? Yes there’s no long thing in my life,but ewo ni purpose??
Roll- j-status,riri
Hmmm yea everything must roll on,but...
Say goodbye- Chris brown
Ewo! Iknew it! I knew my friends wanted to say goodbye to my ass
Oh no!- mo hits allstars
Lmao! Yes dey make me kolo ohh,wel sumtimes sha, i still love dem sha,not like i have a choice!
You’re not the same – t pain
Well yea ppl change n so do I,so u need to get it while its hot! It’s not gonna wait for u!
IT could be anything
WHAT IS 2+2?
One love- tuface
Dats ryte,if u bring ur 2cents n i bring my own,we’ll get one love ohh my ppl
The way I are- timbaland n kerri
LOL i don’t have best friend,but i guess my good friends like me d way I are. When im broke, when im PMS-ing, when im being a bitch, it’s still d way I are mehn
Ice box (remix)- Omarion, usher, fabolous
LMAO!!! Yes ohh my heart is in an icebox where d ex left it ohh, lol. So there u go d person (ppl) i like sorry my heart is an icebox, maybe u can melt it :o
Evil deeds- Eminem
I cant say ive listen to dis song sef,i cant remember d words but Lord knows ive done some evil deeds in my life sha, but it shall not be d story or my life in Jesus name, Amen!
Free- lighthouse family
Yes ohhh, i wanna be free from pain, evil, disappointment, rejection etc ,i wanna be free from d bad things in dis world, lol, wen i die abi??
Gongo Aso- 9ice
Yes oh!!! Gongo aso wen u notice me, gongo aso wen we get together, gongo will keep so-ing for us all thru our lives. Aiye a gbo, Orun a mo! U knoooooooooooooo
Tattoo girl- Faze
Well i always wanted to get a tattoo, so i hope wen i gerrit dey’ll tell me dey gbadun my tattoo (in my dreams!!)
Dem Mama- Timaya
Uhhh i don’t think so!!! Maybe at d party sha
Olori oko- Infinity
Hmm i guess iono, i wont be there
Bayelsa – timaya
Uhhh makes no sense at all
Wayo ppl- Timaya
All u wayo ppl, if i tell u it wouldn’t be a secret nemore now would it?
Forever and always – Shania Twain
That just says it all; forever n always we’ll always be there for each other
He still loves me (Fighting temptations OST) – Beyonce and Walter Williams
I have more things to blog abt and i have confessions to make, so tune in tomorrow for my jists!!
PEAVE, LOVE, HARMONY and RESPECT to u and ur's
Friday, June 20, 2008
So my people my birthday is in september n ive decided to celebrate it dis year. This is gonna be d first time since i was 10, im always celebrating with my friends and now i think it's time for me do somthing nice. It happens to be on a thursday, so i'll kick off with a birthday dinner somewhere with 10-15 of my closest friends, continue on friday with some club hopping with the gang, rest on saturday and then cruise to my friends (thanks Mo) beach house to have a lil fun in d sand with d craziest people i know.
So any ideas?? especially for d beach party, things that will make d day fun fun for all (yea booze is no1)
Yea so with having 3 days of celebration, comes major spending! Yea i need 3 outfits; 2 dresses n shoes and 1 beach outfit. A nice resturant, a nice bar/club and ppl dat have boats (well i kinda have these already).
Okay another major thing MONEY,OWO,KUDI!!! yes ohh i need it,plenty of it n im talking contributions im not begging oh,lol.
On another note,i feel sorry for my ex sha. I was talking with some ppl over d weekend n damn! whoever knows him should advice him n pray for him ohhh he needs Jesus.LOL (please ask me wetin consain me)
Nehoo i've put together of a list of d things i want n dresses i've been luking at,pls dont luk at d prices ohhh
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Crowing Glory
*side note my co-worker is irritating me with d way she’s drinking milo, like ewww why use a spoon to drink d damn thing and then stick out your tongue and then make d ZLURP sound, like how effing irritating!!! I wanna bitch slap her right now, but instead im gonna stare her down or tell her I hate the noise she’s making or simply just walk away.
Back to my story the babe said they’ve been at loggerhead for 11months and she hasn’t spoken to him in that long, that it was even he’s birthday the other day and she called him a few times and he didn’t pick up. Ladies and Gentlemen what does that tell you??!! He ignores you for 11 months and you still have d guts to call him ur boyfriend?? May shopona not strike u down, r u mad??! Basically d guy wanted out like 11months ago and was too chicken to say it and so he does d cowardly thing (like d ex) and ignores u, but u my dear should be smarter than that, you should know that whatever allows ur so-called “boyfriend” not call u in 2wks and then have d guts to ignore ur calls, that ur relationship has come to a screeching halt. So my dear cut losses shed a few tears and move on.
Nehoo so ya Dan gives d guy a call n he’s like “so Sodiq what did Titi do? She said u’ve been ignoring her for the past 11 months” and he’s like uhh she didn’t do anything i’ve been busy chasing money. Is that enough reason not to call? Does that stop u from picking her call? Nigga if u can tell that to a radio host u don’t know from adam what stopped u from telling that to d poor girl?? I’m sorry but guys are stupid sha n may God forgive you, it’s disgusting d cowardice of some of u men.
Neway so yea the last caller, who actually inspired my post today, called the answer the question about Good girls liking bad boys and vice versa. So she calls and is a yuppy mood saying Good men like bad gals; d ones that go out, stay out all night, love to party, always up for adventure etc (uhhh Excuse me?? I all do all d above things, but those dat make me bad?? NOOOOOOOOO). She goes on to say when she was growing up she couldn’t all those things, she had curfews all her life, had to be home at a certain time blah blah (so ya she was d good girl *rolleyes*). Then she gave an example of how she used to date dis guy that wanted her sleep outta her house sometimes, to go for parties and all, but she’s like no she wasn’t gonna go against her father’s wishes and then she goes “where’s he now?” If she made d decision to go against her father. Fair argument, right? Yea until she says well she’s been single for 4 years and she’s happy, that she goes to d movie’s, reads books and it’s fun for her. Dan asked her wat happens wen she watches love scene in movies, doesn’t she feel a certain way and she’s like yea she’s human but she’s single and happy. Dan does all d ohhh and awwws and she’s like u’re gonna make me cry *I thought it was a joke ohh* and she’s like ALL MY BAD FRIENDS ARE ALREADY MARRIED! N she’s sobbing and hangs up!
Yepa! I thot she was single and happy naaa, so why d tears??
So I ask, when u’re in ur late 20’s and early 30’s claiming single and happy “Are u really?”It’s okay to want a man, it’s ok to say that u want one, it’s ok to specify the particular type u want, it’s ok to be singly, happy and searching and still be independent at d same time. There’s no crime against that my sisters.
Also can i say that ur friends are married doesn’t mean they are HAPPY! As long as u’re truly happy, then, dats fine. God did not create you to be sad my sisters YOU are He’s CROWNING GLORY of creation, you my dear were not an after-thought, so he will bring to u your own rib darling, don’t despair.
*oh just so u know I had to tell her zlurp sound was irritating me big time!* Plus im soooo pissed off right now,omg y im i stuck with d most computer illiterate person i know? My patience is wearing thing ohh, imagine just as i was about to view some lovely show that jeams/thalia worefa she be calling herself these days, n KPAM she closed d page, ahn ahn where’s d shoe na my eye catches one necklace on n KPAM she close my gmail account n FB KPAM she close. Ahn ahn why now? I wanted to eject my flash and it said i should close everything, im astonished!
Guess what i’ve decided to get off an hr early and go n see SATC!!! YAY i’v heard good things, even from a guy, so i guess it can’t be that bad then.
Okay im beginning to fall asleep on my seat ni sha, ok for this reason im gonna start packing my bags. So see u at home *muah*
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Have u guys met bored before??Well this is it or SHE as the case may be sha. Chai d office is soo dry it's tiring, as in i come home everyday at 9pm(earliest) after sitting down in front of a PC for hours and then sitting in traffic for another 2hrs b4 i get home. And No im not traveling from Lagos to Ogun state, BULLSHIT!!!
So ya this week hasn't been alladat n more,actually it has been crappy. I'm back in that mood that i think i have nothing to blog about and maybe i don't or maybe i do,but im not just keen on it. My friend asked me why? today n i couldn't come up with any reason, so my dear this is for u.
You gave me the reason to blog today,thank u,u're my HERO!LOL.
Okay!!!!!!!!!!!!! So watelse?? Uhh before i go on,we dont have NEPA be na PHCN and my generator goes off in abit so im outtie.
Till d next time (hopefully tomorrow) the wind blows me in ur direction it's PEACE,LOVE,HARMONY and RESPECT to u and u'rs
Monday, May 26, 2008
Can somebody say Long useless day? Yea dats wat 2day is becoming (becoming cuz im typing on my phone again). Nehoo im on site again,thank Jesus for lil gifts like d power of writing,God u blessed James Patterson who is my saving grace.
I almost didn't get up from my bed today,after 4 straight days of partying n working,dis body is tired! I've lost my voice n atop of everything im broke!
Moving on to other news now that im doing PR im beginning to wonder what d hell im doing in I.T,where is wedding planning going to come in? I'm i gonna be able to juggle dem all,maybe i have Wonder woman powers n i haven't just found out yet.
I have so many things to get up to but i just forget or i have a way of procrastinating,like 24hrs is not enough in 1 day.ARGH!
I've been getting my flirting on this days,hehehe!
I'm bored,i'm dry n i'm out
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Friday,saturday n rest on sunday!
Nehoo,i apologize for not comin in yesterday as usual life got in d way n i was out all night,so i missed my nightly blogging. So ya wat happened yesterday?well it all started at Posh cafe wit beautiful people,good conversation n a relaxed atmosphere then I moved unto Caliente with my road dawg for d night to meet up with her people,uhhh not my type of crowd sha. Thats all i'll say abt dem. I met up with a lost friend there,reminised on good ol' times,danced a lil; can i say now dat d DJ needs to be hanged (ok dats a bit cruel).
From there d party moved unto VOLAR aka Jade palace,it was just there jare it was already winding down sha. Then d last n final stop for the night was 6 degrees,u kno how i do d night just has to end there.
All in all it was an aight night,wasn't bad but it wasn't all that n a bag of chips. I missed my girls as usual. That's abt it. Yea i did all this,i mean d whole night on only d shot of tequila i had at posh cafe. Watelse?
Oh wait how can i forget i went to work,like duh! Remember i said my boss was annoying me? Well kick it up a notch, ya wateva.
Wat did i do 2day? Uh i dont remember,but as i type on my phone im getting ready to hit Bar 10 (JJ Okocha's joint). Im just waiting for d freaking rain to stop or atleast chill,like damn mehn!
so tomorrow, well technically today (cuz i typed dis on saturday), i'll be hitting d red carpet at d Encomium all-white party, but trust me to add some splash of colour n i chose green. My skirt is white n green wit a white shirt n a green cami, im still tryna decide green n bronze shoes (which r fab n comfortable) or white pumps (which kinda look better n well r white!but hella hurt!) n d bronze belt or a white one. Wateva i decide i shall look fabulous! Like hello?!
You know i just realized green n white; BTC (Bobby Taylor Consulting) colours,lol. Yes im representing all d way!
So i was at Caliente yesterday n i partied like a rock star mehn. I danced d whole night away,LOL with good people i tell ya,but it doesnt mean d DJ still shouldnt be hung,IMO!
*update on sunday*
So as i type,i have walked d Red carpet n im sitting down among d sea of white. Jeez mehn i avnt seen dis much white since,well since ever!
Since im supposed to be at a party n im typing my blog,wat does dat say abt d party?lol conclude watever 'cuz im gonna reserve my comments oh before dey call me tatafo,but eke is my hobby sha oh.
So wat did i end up wearing?i changed my skirt option to plain white n chose to go with d green shoes n bronze belt. Watch out for me in d next issue of ur fav magazine,lol.
On dat note,let me be ur fashion police! First of can i say,people took dis all-white thing 2 another level,im sure some people r wearing white underwear sef!
Ok so d 1st person i saw,was dis guy wearing white JEANS!yes oh i said jeans,wit sequine. I had no idea dey still made stuff like dat,y he chose dat is beyond me.
Also popular dis year is d Arabian thing,actually its d in thing for d guys at encomium. They stepped it up oh, with aladdin slippers(Mr editor),turban-like stuff on d head,omo its makes me feel like singing Arabian Night from aladdin d movie.
Can i just say now that tailors r wicked sha,y would i ask for a simple babydoll dress n u sew me a sack. Pure wickedness! Im seeing things here dat are hard for even me to describe.
Silk shirt on a guy?white silk dress abi na polyester. Yepa come n see frock oh n cellulite
Yes oh dis is me reporting live from d red carpet. Oh my lawd there's dis babe dat luks like she just came from her own Wedding,i swear she's wearing a white wedding dress LMAO!
Okay i quit jooo,let me let d photos speak for themselves wen dey come out.
I'm tired i swear, it was one helluva weekend. I started on thursday all d way thru to sunday mehn and now i have to be at work 8:30am tomorrow. Next week is even goin to be madder sef
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Confession Thursday!!!!
I know i promised CONFESSION THURSDAY but lets talk about yesterday. Mmkay so d day at d office was blah nothing much happened there, except now oga is annoying me already sha, it's not like he's doing anything but jeez! *rolleyes*
Moving on the match! how can i not talk abt d match? I was really rooting for chelsea sha,n i honestly felt bad for them. John Terry was so inconsolable, there's nothing like watching grown men cry,awww. Ok enough abt d UEFA FINAL.
Alryteee then lets get it started, its CONFESSION THURSDAY!!! So here goes:
I confess that
1. I am still crushing on d cuter of d "lagi mo" boys.
2. I feel like im still finding my footing in life.
3. I feel let down by a good friend.
4. I still havn't forgiven him.
5. I kno i need to forgive him to truly move on.
6. I kno he isn't bothered but i need to do dis for me.
7. I made out dis week,lord forgive me,it soo wasnt intentional i swear.
8. The person owes me joo so im waiting for my cheque.
9. I'm getting attached to d new ppl in my life.
10. I cry wen i watch ppl cry on t.v
11. I'm ready to love again, but 1st i need to forgive.
12. I still think Ikechukwu is a babe,talk abt major crushing.i think its d baldness,lol.
13. After 13 confessions,next week will be better.
Oh did i tell u guys’ dat i saw d ex n he's new bride abi shey na bride to be yesterday, lmao! A match made in,well made where ever!
Im trying not to pull my weave out from d boredom at work n d flippin internet stopped working for some funny reason.
Maybe i should go n watch a movie, plus i think dis my habit of not eating anything all day is sooo not safe sha but oh well. I think im gonna have some cake n ice cream, makes sense ryte?
Fast forward to a few hours later, a few phone calls, a cab ride later, I end up at Swe bar. I swear I didn’t think I was gonna be there long, but yea trust me now. When d crowd is ryte and there’s good music, I can dance all night long. It’s seems like ages that I haven’t been out, it felt good. Thanks to my friend for inviting me. I had a blast!
On dis note my people’s imma catch ya'll on d flipside, but till then PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY n RESPECT to u and u'rs. Muah!
P.S someone had d privilege of reading this even b4 I posted, but I’ve tweaked it a lil, so read it again.hehehe!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Today is a brand new day!say what? I was late!like a whole 40 sumthin mins mehn,dont blame me jo no be me talk say make
Nehoo im at d office now atleast i got here b4 my boss n well most ppl in d office,its like HELLOOOO anyone?!but its all good sha oh,it gives me time to blog,think of our clients n come up wit ideas n plans,hopefully browse well atleast wen i can get d key for dis place.So yea i heard we will soon be moving to Maryland (former leventis) by we i mean my dept. Someone is smiling right now,lol.yes i luh u too.
That said i have a new reader, well more like a curious reader ,hmmm. Well, welcome to my head!
So wat can u tell about someone by d way dey blog?how honest do u think d person is being? Just curious by the way.
This babe is bored to bits jare,2morow im comin wit a book,a magazine,my laptop n a movie. Now how's that for entertainment?
Ok so y is i wanna make love in this club playing over n over in my head?come to think of isnt dat like d sleaziest, classless thing eva?like go on n take
Wait oh but im bored sha oh,im sittin here daydreamin abt...wait sef i wanna pee
On another note,i miss my brother sha!he's coming home next week and i cant wait. I had to call him on my way back home. We r soo nsync he could tell there was sumthin wrong, i was just tired sha, awwww.
So my ppl i sign out now.PEACE,LOVE,HARMONY n RESPECT to u an u'rs
Monday, May 19, 2008
First,well not-so first day
lets side track for a lil bit,this lady just walked in n said "h'am told to Hask for ur haccountant".lawdavmexy. Wait ohh what is d cause of d H-factor?does any1 kno?d thing is some ppl have seasonal h-factor.
Ehen wat was i saying?yea i was ranting,sha forget abourit. Wait sef,y do i feel my mouth is smelling?n i cant find my gum,lemme go n buy n come back i'll jist u guys abt d rest of my day.
P.S i've got a secret!!lol. Later!
Okay so im bizack!i got tired of waiting so i went for lunch,actually it was a long ass lunch but shuu i was hungry joo,so i went to chow down on a BLT sandwhich at Posh Cafe. It was jst me so i had a very relaxing time,it rained today in lagos,so i treated myself to 2 delish cups of hot chocolate (hmm talk abt packing on d pounds).
Oh yea did i forget to tell u dat im still waiting n im even sleeping off.
Okay finally sumbody finally answered me,i start at 9-6pm n dey pay a measley 10k (let me reserve my comments). Nehoo,ive met dis girl she's not bad,seems we're gonna get along alryte atleast wat i kno for now. Thats all for now folks!
Okay just a lil observation,isnt it unprofessional to send anoda employee to buy u food?imagine someone asking me to buy u bread!?(it wasnt me sha) Like dude is dat my JOB?it is sooo not in my job description.Oh yea there r a few flirts in dis Mug sha oh,but trust me i kno how to smile n say please and thank u,just like dis,heheheh

Okay on that note,i sign out.PEACE,LOVE,HARMONY n RESPECT to u and u'rs
P.S i have sinned and it's not even thursday yet,watch out for Confession thurdays'
Saturday, May 17, 2008
He says i have the kind of smile that can make Adolf Hitler change he's mind,awww im blushing!!
Okay let me tag myself with d Quirks
1. I sleep with the radio on every night,i can't help it i love music!!plus it helps me drift off to a happy place
2.I've currently started hitting my head when it itches,instead of scratching especially when i have a weave sewn in.LOL n NO it doesnt hurt.
3.When i meet guys i look at their nails first and then shoes!If a guy goes wrong with he's shoe then ewwwww and take care of your nails,dammit!.Don't ask me if it makes sense
4.I talk to myself,is it normal??to have conversations with yourself?n im not talking in my head im actually mouthing the words,but not in public neway *dead*
5.I can't remember the last time i wore one colour thruout,i have to have a dash of color in my outfit.i dont like to match color's either,i can where green and brown n carry a red bag n prolly where a different shade of green shoe's,but trust me dey dont clash.My friends DO NOT BE AFRAID OF COLOR!!!
6.I am too patient for my own good,but im impatient with friends.Makes no sense right??
7.I eat before i brush,lol.I do it most days :D
Was it just 6??Nehoo PEACE,LOVE,HARMONY and RESPECT,till i see ya again
Thursday, May 15, 2008
It's been way too long!
Hi people, it has been awhile hasn’t it?? Iono y I feel like I’m still tryna fine my footing on BlogSpot, maybe its cuz I’m still a xanganian by heart. Okay let me feel u guys in; I am pleased to announce to u guys dat I am now officially the SENIOR PUBLIC RELATIONS AND EVENTS CONSULTANT for BOBBY TAYLOR CONSULTING. When I said to u guys that it was gonna be a fabulous year for me I meant it, i am going high!!!
So I’ve been back from school for about 2weeks (wow I can’t believe it’s just been 2wks) seems like I’ve been back for longer. I jumped right into work without looking back and can I just say dat it has been one helluva ride. I have been jumping from place to place, meeting to meeting, interviews to interviews and I’m not even complaining. For someone in school studying computer, I think I’m doing OK in the PR world, for a very long time I always knew I wanted to be a wedding planner, but I’m loving this PR thingy a lil more every day. I never thought I was one for challenges, since I can remember I shy away from challenges but now I take it in stride n brace myself for another day.
With that said, I’d like to say a very BIG thank you to my BOSSLADY, “BOBBY TAYLOR”, LOL, for allowing me to work with her and the team. She’s with me every step of the way, when I’m scared to do something she’s always reassuring. I love u always BGT!
My self confidence is building, I meet people n I hold my own, I speak like I want to be heard and I have something to say and you have to listen! I’m still a work in progress, I have a long way to go but I believe I’m on the right path to success. My only fear is being able to juggle PR work and my last year in school, it’s gonna take alotta self-discipline.
Nehoo there’s alotta work for us at BTC this year but us fab young women at the BTC camp are more than capable RIGHT??RIGHT! LOL.
For the past 2 weeks I have lived, breathed and worked with Remi Fagbohun of the versatile shopper, now I’m going to be doing the same for a naija artiste. It’s an adventure I ask fellow bloggers to come on this adventure with me, I promise to keep u all in the loop of all that is going on.
Uhhh my personal life?? Nonexistent, after a hard day all I want to do is go home n curl up in bed. Ok I lie it’s more like go home n watch a lil TV, check my mail n then sleep and its going to get worse on Monday I’ll start my 9 to 5 job n I’m not even looking forward to it. But oh well.
I’m still very SINGLE ohhh!!lol. I’m focusing on work n school right now ‘cuz I’ve been disappointed lately. Remember the guy I blogged about the last time? Well he’s in a relationship, I guess d marriage isn’t happening then *dead*. What happened??long story I got a call very early one Saturday to a text from someone cussing me out and accusing me of all sorta things, but u know I forgive u for u know not what u were doing or saying, but y u are calling me now asking me funny questions is beyond me, we are not friends anymore! U chose it n I’m abiding by it.
That said my ex or whatever they call people like him is getting married! I’m not particularly happy for them, but I’m not sad either, all I know is I wish them well as long they keep my name outta their mouths I’m fine.
On that note I’m outta here, so PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY and RESPECT to u and u’rs.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I'm getting married!!!
Is it just me or do i just feel like skool is getting in the way of plenty things??maybe im just lazy,or maybe im fed up,iono!!
Moving on.Why have i been thinking about marriage these days??i always had d feeling i was gonna get married early but is 22 too early??Wait ohhh there's no husband yet(actually maybe there is) but i've planned d wedding,picked d colors...sheesh i even have my kids names,LOL.but mehn as i think about d thing,omo it's not BEANS ohh,neither is it yam.Congratulations to those dat r married n r making it work,cuz dat shit aint easy mehn.
In other news!!im taking salsa classes,lol actually i started going for salsa to luk good,hav a few 'funkin' cocktails n watch hot men wiggle n wind.It started out as being a nice way to relax on a thursday witout partying n now it's fun n I actually danced!as in i got up,stopped being a chicken n hit d floor.Did i forget to add my instructor is tres hot!?ok soo i guess it's salsa every thursday for me now,well maybe not every but when i can get away from school quickly.
Also im planning early this year,yea i kno my birthday isn't until september but it wouldn't hurt if i start saving now.As i have no man to foot d bill (well except "dear daddy") im on my own.Since im not d party throwing type,i want dis to be off d chain!!!i want an open bar,i want all my friends n associates,i want a correct crowd,a good location wit correct music,fun,fun,fun all d way oh yea n did i mention an open bar??too many drinkers i kno.I'm gonna go bankrupt,maybe i should go rob bank??better still runs nko??lol,omo make i no do pass myself ohhh,but i want it to be banging n i wanro hav a blast!!!
Moving along i want a car,sumthin cute sumthin compact till i perfect my driving skills n save up for dat truck i want "double cabin chevrolet avalanche" mehn dat car makes me shiver mehn.Hint hint can d 'rents please take note.
Mehn i need to chill on my spending yoo,dis independent woman thing is causing my pocket to shrink well ohh,wat im i doing differently??rather wat im i buying sef?cuz i cant see where d money is going,it's depressing me sef.
Moving along to better things,so tomorrow im going for my first "in absentia" engagement ceremony,it should be interesting,cuz i neva been to one before n it amazes y ppl do it,i'll gist u sha.
So twice now mummy knows i was over,first time she barely looked at me wen she answered my greeting,second time she did double take n even added "how r u" and sounded nicer maybe she wanted to be sure i was d same chick.Two times n no formal introduction,does she even kno my name??y do i have d feeling dey've talked plenty about me??:shrugs: i wonder how many chicks have come n gone! d poor woman must be tired.Have i told u im terrified of Sisters as well??n i felt bullied by d rugrats??5 n 4 i think.damn!dey stared me down mehn,like dis aunty again,"it's cuz of u we can't play near d window or enter d apartment" n wat abt d helps??everyone had a funny smile on their faces.U think im imagining???i dont think sooo
On a sad note,i got a call early this morning my friend's mum passed away in her sleep in d wee hours of saturday n it's mother's day tomorrow,wat a way to start a new month.I guess d lord knows why n we r rest assured she's in a better place resting till we meet again.Rest in Peace ma'
On dat note,i'd love to say PEACE,LOVE,HARMONY and RESPECT to u n ur's n i'm still expecting u to get intouch wit me!!!.
Bye ya'll
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Im about to embark on sumthin exciting in my life,im looking forward to learning n expereiencing good things n things dat i can finally enjoy.Lord i thank u for answered prayers,it's not yet underway,but Lord i know it's big,i know im gonna be big.I said this is my year of being great n im well on my way,doors are opening for me,windows sef r opening at dis rate buildings will be opening roof n den dey will bow at d sight of me.I love my Lord n He loves me.
I will keep u all posted,academics sef is going good,my lovelife???it's blazing!!!
Therefore, Im saying Oluwatamilore pupo!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Yea last yea i did alotta partying,from being a home-body to being a party girl,yea i sorta went crazy.So i wanna share wit ya'll d songs dat got me n d crowd going in '07.
In NUMBER 5 i have "YAHOOZEE" by Olu maintain,u all kno who he is ryte??yea im not excately sure wat d message of dis song is,but i do kno it got me dancing n copying d yahozee dance everytime,nice beat n good video,so here goes
In d NUMBER 4 spot we,i mean I have "BOOTY CALL" by D'banj,Wande Cole (or is it Coal),SID off their Mo-Hits compilation album.Y do i like dis song??besides d obvious dat im a sucker for a man dat can sing (Wande that is)...Go Figure!!
At NUMBER 3,i give to u "DO ME" by d duo Peter n Paul popularly known as "PSQUARE",this song is d 1st single off their latest album GAME OVER.They were a bit quiet after d bizzy body album n now dey r back wit a bang! So yea "e get as e dey do me..."
NUMBER 2 for me has to be off d album TRUE STORY by dis new guy TIMAYA who took d music industry my storm late last year.The album basically is a true story abt he's struggles to become a known artist n also abt he's native land Bayelsa n their struggles as well,all in all i love d album (tho d beats sound alike) n dis is a single off it,watch out for oda tracks like "dem mama n true story".
Definately NUMBER 1 for me is JULIE by SHANK,dis song did it for me in '07,it got everybody jumping at clubs n parties.Me n my girls hav our dance to dis song tooo,we absolutely love it n i feel it's d best way to end my count down.i look forward to other songs from dis guy cuz he's 1st impression is pretty good.So i present to u "Julie" (dont ask me y naija's like singing wit female names)