Friday, December 30, 2011

Behold, I will do a new thing...

It's been forever since I blogged, I have tried once or twice since then but words...words... they just seem so hard to string together.
So what has happened since the last time? Well, I got a job. Yay right? Right. It's a job sha, does it pay my bills? Am I now financially independent? Am I happy at my job? The answer to all is NO! but it's a job right? Right!
The year has come to an end and I thank God for His grace. Grace is defined as "God's unmerited favour" and I hold on to that. He has been merciful even when I didn't deserve it. 2011 was not the best year, but I'm hopeful for 2012. I pray that 2012 will be good to me. I pray that I will be good to 2012 and hold on tight to my God, keep my side of things.
I drifted off to sleep tonight and woke to a broadcast from a friend/roommate at uni it was an early new year message and it had a scripture. Isaiah 43: 19
"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." 
NIV version says "For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?"
I read it and it touched me in my Spirit, I decided to read the passage from the beginning. Tears began to pour from my eyes... I have gone so far from my God. I've been so distant from Him, I've not been able to partake of the promises He had for me in 2011. Then I got to verse 22
" 22 But thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob; but thou hast been weary of me, O Israel.  23Thou hast not brought me the small cattle of thy burnt offerings; neither hast thou honoured me with thy sacrifices. I have not caused thee to serve with an offering, nor wearied thee with incense."
Things got real. I haven't called upon Him, yes I say by God's grace but I haven't really called upon Him. I haven't offered him sacrifices. I owe God, so how do I expect all those promises? *sigh*
I don't mean to preach, it's not something I didn't know before but it's a time for sober reflection. I thank God for His grace, ask for forgiveness and pray for the grace to be better from now hence forth.
OKAY! I'll stop here. I wish you all (those that come here from time to time and those that just stumbled upon this page) a FANTASTIC New Year!!! May the best of the past years, be the worst of the latter years, may He cause His light to shine upon you, may He lift you up among kings, may the grounds always rise up to meet you, may you find favour wherever you go... AMEN!!!

Till next time, Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and your's. See you in the New Year.
Ms. Bollz

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Innit brov?

Choi! My people see "P-setting oh", that's how this pikin I met on friday night wanted to use me set summer P. Thunda knack you anywhere you are o. See at some point in my life I would have gone along with him, had fun and see where it goes, but you see at his stage in my life I'm not in for casual flings (ahem,well it actually depends on the circumstance). Anyway, I met this boy at a club (yes,I'm open to meet people at clubs), he is probably max 24 (which is too young for me anyway). He came up to me, asked to dance, I politely declined- I don't dance with men I'm not having something with, no big deal but I enjoy my dance so for me to face a guy to dance we must me simulating something- I digress *grins*. Bottom line- I enjoy dancing by myself! So this boy comes up and in the process we strike a conversation, he asks if i'm out of school (first red flag), what I studied bla bla from the conversation I gather his a lawyer from London... Actually first red flag was his crew of "corn-rowed" brothers all dancing together in the corner, second he wore bling with "POW" on it. I mean that says it all hunh? but since I've changed (from being a bitch) and I was feeling happy, I indulged him and enjoyed the attention I must admit. As the night was winding down, he asks for my pin and I gave him (btw I NEVER give out my pin to people I just meet) but i thought "hey what the heck,you can always delete and ignore him". We chat that morning after I got home,he sends me a bbm on saturday about how he wasn't given up on getting to know me, I reply with "Lol". Then come sunday he sends a bbm asking what I was doing and if i had plans to which I replied "Yup", and that was it really, he disappeared from my chat and contact list. I was confused, thinking I deleted him by mistake I sent him a PIN message and he replies "lol yea I decided to take the hint".
I blame him not, I blame me for ignoring all the red flags and going against my rule and giving him my pin. Stupid little boy looking to "set summer P" on his aunty (no I'm not old o). LOL just wanted to share my story of how I was shenked by an "innit brov"

Moving on, last week was my ex's birthday. I didn't even remember till 2 days after when it was my friends birthday. The day didn't make a difference to me,it was just another day in August,  but once upon a time it would have been special to me, I would have been preparing, saving and counting down till the day. It's been 7 years since we broke up, about a year since we last saw or spoke, but when I thought of him last week... I couldn't help but wonder if he was the on that got away, my girl always "jokes" that maybe he's my real husband, the other day she said the same thing and told me to look for him. I replied "I hope he's happy and I wish him well", I really do, he's a great guy and he deserves happiness. The reason we broke up hasn't changed, I don't think I can make him happy (classic case of "it's not you,it's me"),  but seriously it just wasn't there for me. I felt bad about it,but better then than now or worse after marriage. Occasionally, I let my friends words sink in and I think "what if", what if he is/was the one? Then I remind myself that "the one" is who God has made for me, I will meet him (or have met him), we will find each other, fall hopelessly in love, fit together and be together. I'm a hopeless romantic ! lol

Till next time Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours.
Ms. Bollz

P.S Thanks to Tori and Muse origins for always reading and encouraging with kind words *hugs*

Monday, August 8, 2011

Lord give me a sign

I knew ever considered that I'd be out of a job for this long, it's almost a year and things are not necessarily looking great.After one year in Uni number 1, a year in pre-degree and a 4year degree program, I never thought I would be without a job after school. Yea,I knew the economy wasn't great and job hunting was a b*itch, but I just didn't think it was going to happen to me. My friends have been lucky, in fact since we've graduated L is at her second job and loving it, even today T told me she has a gig for 2weeks (short,but better than I can say for myself). During a discussion with a friend on Saturday he asked me how I'm doing about the whole no job thing. To be honest? It sucks! I mean right now I have all the time to do whatever it is I please at whatever time, but when the end of the month comes and there is no credit alert from the bank, it sucks! Or when i want to purchase something and I don't have the funds, it sucks! Most of all, when I meet people (men) and they ask, what do you do? I say nothing, they don't believe me. It sucks because at this stage in my life I should have gained some sort of financial independence... *sigh*
Have I told you how much it sucks? Well it does!
I don't even know what i want to do in terms of business (aka side hustle), I've tried one or two things but in terms of long run plans I have nothing! I'm still trying to think hard. I know I'm not a 9-5,sit behind a desk all day type of person... At an interview last week the interviewer told me to think seriously about business or work, as I seemed more inclined towards business. I agree!
Lord Show me a sign, I'm at that point where...

Till next time Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours

Friday, July 22, 2011

Between you and me

"Mum, no one has to tell me how lucky I am to have you because I've always known for a long time. When I think back over the years and remember all the special things you've done for me, I realise that you're not only a wonderful mum, you're also a unique woman.  
You've taught so much about life and love and giving, and those are lessons I'll never forget. You've shown me how to stand on my own in the world, and for that I'll always be grateful. So many things that have added to my happiness have been gifts from you."
 The quote above are the words on the card I got for my mum. It's her birthday today and everything I wanted to tell her was written on this card. If I still wrote, these are the things I'd write to her. I know everyone says it, but I love my mother...from the depth of my soul, my inner being and with every bone in my body. She made me who I am today. My earth angel, always watching and always guiding. Between you and me mama, you're wonderful! Maybe not my best friend, but a very dear friend.
I love you mummy. Love always Titilope

Till next time Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours.
Ms. Bollz

Friday, July 15, 2011

In my little cocoon

Friend A: Hey wanna go out on friday?
Friend B: Errrr,well I'm hanging out with my other friend. What do you wanna do?
Friend A: Oh! it's nothing,just wanted to go to XYZ
Friend B: Oh ok,might be going to XYZ also,i'll let you know
Friend A sends a message to another friend
*Friend no longer has you as a contact. Re-invite or delete contact*

Two separate (unrelated) scenarios. They're a few things I take personal...actually I lie. They are quite a number of things, but it's no big deal, nothing to worry about, just amazes me really how easy I am forget. Over the years I have learnt not to expect much or bother about things/people much. Right now I am distant from people/friends, I wasn't aware of it until now. Maybe it was on purpose or maybe not, I dunno but for now I retreat back to my shell, only to come out when necessary.

Side note- The freedom I have on here... I doubt that many people (especially those that know me personally) read. Hehehehe
Oh! and before I go, let me share a little testimony with you. I've been a little down lately as my posts show but the other day I updated my BBM status to "Find your place of praise" (another story behind that phrase) ...and just when I was slipping into mild depression about the state of my affairs, I got a call to come for an interview. It went well, now waiting on the next stage.
Moral of the story: In ALL things, find your place of praise (in Him). He will always come through for you, always!

Till next time Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours
Ms. Bollz

Monday, July 11, 2011

What a girl wants...what she needs

"Loving me baby that's a no-no,I'm better when I touch and go...Not just a player,I'm a pro-lover" - Usher

I remember when one time some guy asked me to listen to that song. He had asked me to listen to various songs before so I wasn't suspicious, until I searched for it on youtube and listened to the lyrics. Proper light bulb moment, although he claimed he didn't even remember the lyrics...yea, I was born yesterday. Anyway I did say I wasn't going to blog about the guy so, I have since deleted him off my blackberry,but left him on my facebook. No! my bb is not a filler and my contact list will not be clogged with broadcasts from people I don't chat with. 
I just stumbled upon the song tonight and it brought back memories (from just earlier this year).

BTW the above lines were from saturday. I sort of lost my train of thought and left it open. 
Anyways, I feel better than the last time I blogged *sigh* I'll keep praying.
Christian Louboutin Pigalle
Oh! I want these babies, I mean I need them, well not need like I need air but need 'cuz I bet this will make me happy for a very long time. Look at them black classic,classy pumps, guaranteed to make any girl happy *sigh*
Not like any of you will buy it for me, I just thought I'd share with you.

So it's been raining crazy in lagos for the past few days, we all know what that means; flood and traffic! Both which I don't do,so I've been sitting my big ol' buttay at home. Well, add the no money situation and those are very good reasons to stay home. Although I feel I'm starting to lose it,plus my social life is becoming non existent. As a young single girl I need to get out more, you know meet (new) people, socialize and have a good time, but these days I just can't be arsed. Girls I need an intervention.
Hmmmm errrrr whatelse is new? *thinking* errrrr nothing really. Same old.
Oh! One more thing, I wanna take make up classes while I'm free and have the time. No, I don't wanna be a makeup artist or anything,I just want to improve on my skills. Also, it's july now I should be taking CIPS classes, if I still wanna be that international buyer for "that" great company. Get to getting bollz!

Till next time darlings Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


So right about now on my BBM my status reads "I'm desperate!". That's exactly how I feel right now, desperate for something to happen. My life is just there, thats the problem nothing is happening. Don't be mistaken, it's not like I have it rough or that I have nothing to be thankful for, I do, I have a lot to be thankful for, but I want more, I need more. I just feel like I'm not going anywhere or doing anything, some days I just feel helpless. Am I not praying hard enough? Don't I want it badly enough? Am I not deserving yet?...
I am desperate for many things, if you know me and if you've been reading you'll know what they are. I don't know what my breaking point is, but I'm pretty sure I'm close.

It's raining cats and dogs outside (I wonder how "cats and dogs" came about or who did even)... Showers of blessing, maybe I should go and dance in the rain and catch the blessing head on (or rather,catch a cold) 'cuz I'm  desperate but instead I will P.U.S.H- Pray until something happens. Because something has to happen and soon!

Till next time Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours
Ms. Bollz

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Randomness xInfinity

Hey ya'll!!! *in Paula Deans voice* (If you watch food network you'd know her). It's been a few months hunh? Hmmmm, not much has changed though. Although I will not complain about what I don't have or what I want, because I have all that I need at the moment (We thank tha Lord!)

So on Wednesday it was my father's birthday and also my nephew ( my baby). Gosh! They grow sooooo fast, I remember when he was born last year, that tiny little being wheeled into the baby room (dunno what it's called). Now, my baby is all grown up! He's walking, saying "Da-Da and Ma-Ma (which he calls me sometimes *big smile*), he's just an adorable little boy. Grand dad and Grandson share the same birthday * Awesomeness*

Moving on to other things, I now have a car (Wohooo!) I managed to beg, plead, guilt trip, and everything else but threaten daddy dearest into buy me a car I can actually drive, rather feel comfortable driving. So last Saturday we went looking for a car (of my choice, a Toyota matrix) and today she is seating right outside my window, in all her shinning glory. She was christened "Immaculate", actually by the car salesman because she's white... immaculate white... and now everyone has taken to the name hehehehe.
I will try not to scratch her (Lagos drivers willing also), but hey! My cab/taxi days are over! I can't count how many millions I actually spent on those sods.

I'm still single. Not like it's a big deal, just thought to throw it in there :)

Still looking for work *sigh* I need someone to owe me at the end of every month. I'm looking unto God,it is well.

Got back on my fitness/ weightloss journey, so far so good. I'm still quite far from my goal, I've lost some but I may just put it all back on this week, with the birthday dinner, to the birthday party. All this cake and booze going straight to my hips *mchew*

Lord I'm thankful for all that you have done for me and my family. We are in good health and are together in peace. We may not be the richest or be perfect, but we are together in love and harmony. May you continually keep us all. We love you lord!

Till next time (hopefully soon) Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours
Ms. Bollz

Friday, March 18, 2011

Love don't live here anymore.

Hey guys! Howdy do? yea we're still on this "howdy" tip,lol. So I just left the lovely TWP's blog aka VivrantThing and the topic struck a cord,well 'cuz 1. I'm woman 2. I've been a victim 3. I know a number of victims 4. I also know a few offenders too.
Basically the post is about "String-long relationships",the ones that date for while (years in most cases),promise each other the world,claim to love each other,the lady may even get a "rock" and a fancy proposal and then just like that gbam!Get dumped. Next thing you know homeboy is engaged to be married to the "love of his life",SHIKENA!
Ok after that background let me give you a brief history into my dating/love life. In my very first proper relationship,I was the offender.I knew I didn't love him,yet I strung him along for a few months and one day out of the blue i broke it off with him. He cried,he begged but as much as I knew he loved me,I knew I couldn't reciprocate,so it was better to let things end then rather than years down the line. Relationship 2 happened about 2 and a half,almost 3 years after the forward 9-10months it was over (I believe I've blogged about this before). He didn't string me along,we both knew it wasn't going nowhere,he met up with someone else (from his past),I bounced,he married her in about 3months. Relationship number 3 hahaha this one was a dumb move from day one,after on and off for about 2years,I let him go. I've been single for over a year now.

A couple of weeks ago this guy I used to talk to said B,"I don't like this new you. You're so cold and detached...I miss the old you." See at this point I didn't realize I had changed,in fact I still don't think I've changed. I think this is  another side to me he couldn't see before until he tried to string me along for no damn reason. We are friends now,no worries but I can't forget how he tried to play me.
I remember sometime ago, I met this guy, not bad on eyes, tall, has a good job, know my kind of guy. We met up a few times yada,yada,yada until I asked him what he wanted from me, dude bolted! lmao! Calls ceased,bbm's reduced,I stopped seeing him. LOL I guess he couldn't take my straight forward question. He assumed (for some foolish reason) I wanted him to wife me or something. I mean dude we've hyped you,you're hot but you're not on fire,no need to pour gasoline on yourself (I hate the smell). You see my question was simply to know where to put him- "Just friends", "Potential boyfriend", "Bootycall" or "Not interested" (which is where he is now). I was simply trying to avoid a "String-along relationship". 
As they say a man can date you for 10years and know from the 10th minute when he met you that he wasn't going to marry you. Woe betide any man that will date me for years, meet my parents and loved ones, even put ring on my finger and then not wife me. 
Even my girlfriend has accused me of being emotionally detached and I agree.
I am not emotionally attached to people,I am the kind of person that stays home days on end without any physical interaction with friends. I am not the kind of girl that throws "darl,hun,sweetie,love..." (and whatever other kind of endearment people use these days) around. It doesn't come naturally to me. Don't get me wrong,I do love my friends but unless we are in a relationship and I actually love you,you WILL NOT be hearing "love you baby" from me. I don't fall easily,actually I have only ever been "in love" once.(Disaster). I lose interest in men as fast as I gained interest. I am inpatient in waiting for you to know what you want ('cuz i pretty much know where i wanna put u in 5mins of meeting) and once it's gone,it is gone *shrug*. I'm not a "long ting" type of babe. I told some guy that and he didn't get it either :o
Love don't live here anymore,it's been long gone. I do hope to meet up with love again someday soon,but until then My name is Bollz and I am emotionally unavailable.

People, avoid String-along relationships, I prefer straight up relationships,be honest and say what you want or don't want. Ladies (especially) remember IF YOU ARE NOT MARRIED,YOU ARE SINGLE. Don't get it twisted.

Till next time Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect.

P.S Ms licious i'm changing my font colour for you (this one nko?),don't say i never did anything for you :p

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Judge not

Argh! This thing called christianity... Before I go on,no one is perfect,I know that. Not even pastors or bishops or reverends or whatever the heck they choose to call themselves. Even I am far from being the best "christian" or church goer. But I know how to go to my God without the help of a pastor. Of course you all know by now where this post is going,you probably have all read or heard about the popular pentecostal church pastor in london that was accused of molesting two boys in his church and has now confessed. Appalling hunh? I know! I am disgusted,angry and above all hurt! What is there to judge? He has admitted to his crimes. He did it,he preyed on those boys,took their innocence away and then you sit there and blame the devil?! Oh please! cut the bull! When he knew he was battling with his sexuality why didn't he seek help? Why didn't he come out then and ask his beloved church and followers to pray for him then? Heck why didn't he seek out older men to explore his sexuality with? That's his problem,if after wife and kids he decides to play for the other team or test run his "equipment" on another race course,but why those kids?! Instead he chose to continue living in denial of his problem while enjoying the benefits of being called "man of God".

So I ask,what makes this man special? What makes him different from the many other pedophiles who are accused and sentenced everyday for heinous crimes committed on young boys (and girls)? Because of the title "pastor"? He needs your prayers quite alright but what about the others?

Before you answer the question ask yourself this- What if it was by son?or brother?or cousin? or nephew? or you?
Would your answer still be the same?
He didn't confess to sleeping with a female church member or male for that matter,he confessed to molesting YOUNG boys!
I pray none of you are ever a victim of child abuse or molestation. You will never know till you walk a mile in my shoes.
Judge not,but don't stand up for foolishness.

Till next time Peace,Love,Harmony and Respect

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thrill of the chase

Howdy people!
lol howdy?I think i may be somewhere in the outback sneaking to type up this post at the back of the barn (hunh?) ok whatever! Where have I been you may ask? Well I've been right here my lovers,just right here.
So recently (as I do all the time) I was going through my messages on facebook,deleting irrelevant ones and such and this picture catches my eye. It's this guy whom I met on there,it was like a 100 and something messages in less than a week,minus fb chat and skype. I posed small before I eventually gave him my bbpin (and I sorta wish I didn't). The thrill of the chase is a female dog,u know you (think) you want something and you go after it hard and then after a while (a week or two in this case) it fizzles out Gbam! just like that. Then you begin to wonder,"what happened to such n such" "we had such fun conversations"... That's exactly what i thought. From him always instigating conversations to even calling (he's in the UK),to the hours on end back and forth messages,to skype calling and eventually video calling. The thrill ended just about the time we started bb chatting

*lemme pause this post to saw,I just say a picture of Chris browns peen #Teambreezy*

Moving on! That's just the recent story,there have been so many others like that. From constant talking to barely even thinking of the person anymore. (I think he has a girlfriend now). I'm not the type of girl to chase,i'm old fashioned in that sense,I may take the ball and run with it but you have to make the pass. So maybe my run was too fast? NAH! oh well his typos were becoming too much to ignore *bbm not interested smiley*
So i'm thinking if you ever meet anyone who gives you the thrill of the chase everyday,keep 'em close. He/she might just be the one.

Till next time Peace,Love,Harmony and Respect to you and yours.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Only serious candidates should come and holla

And so another February 14 has come and gone... spent most of the day at a friends house and then popped over to see "His yumminess" got a few hugs and kisses,came home,ate and collapsed on the sofa. Last night was fun sha. I rocked a fushia pink gold beaded kaftan,hair down and I looked beautiful,if i may say so myself.
A while ago i already resigned myself into being without a lover on the so called "lovers day". So it was a very normal day for me. I don't hate valentines day,but for me it's never been special...Never! Even when I was in a relationship,maybe I got a box of chocolate a few days later when I happen to have stumbled on it *rollseyes* but i'm over that. I don't just want gifts on valentines day, or just any person to share the day with, I want it to mean something to me...I want love;to love and to be loved,the kind that lasts for ever,the kind that keeps giving (valentine or not).
My brother wrote the sweetest note to his wife,I read it and I some drops rolled down my cheeks. Not only because the words were so sweet,but because I know the words were true,a true reflection of how/what he feels for his woman. So I told her I want love too :( and she says "u already have it...the kind u desire right this moment by His Grace". Amen!
I'm still thankful for all the loves in my life,I don't have a special someone but I have my special people who are always there *muah*

2011 weddings keep increasing by the week,more proposals and wedding planning. Congratulations to all brides,I wish you all the best and a long and fruitful marriage!

P.S I got myself 2 gifts *wink* *wink*
I gotta love myself,since love doesn't love me at the moment (we have this love/hate relationship).

Enjoy this song (and/or video). Kele kele love-Tiwa Savage
Till next time Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm a woman... Phenomenal woman

Phenomenal Woman

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Maya Angelou

Just in case one day we doubt this and remember that you and I are PHENOMENAL.

Till next time Peace,Love,Harmony and Respect to you and yours


Friday, February 4, 2011

Ode to my Miranda

 I just came from my home girls blog *sigh* I love this girl and I'm so proud of her,i'm not sure if I've ever told her this. I'm proud of where she is now as a woman,in her spirit and in her soul,I'm proud of where she's heading career-wise and what she has been able to achieve,I'm proud of where she is headed in life and love... So i'm dedicating this blog post to her.
I remember the first day I met her,day 2 of pre-degree Babcock University (October,2004). She was a day late and I had spent the night on a bunk bed (crying my eyes out). I couldn't believe i was in a new university sleeping on a bunk bed. The night before I was roomed with some other people just for the night,so when she came in with her suitcases n stuff you can imagine my excitement. Long silky hair, big eyes,big boobs and a tiny voice (almost childlike), I knew it was a match made in heaven (lol).
Us '05
We were pretty much inseparable after that,although we were in different classes (she was Arts,I was science) we still did almost everything together. Went for worship and sat together,went to dining hall together (we rarely did),went to town together,even went for weekends together. She helped me make more friends quicker,'cuz she already knew some people and is generally better at making friends than i am (still is,even now). The year went by we moved on to 1st year in uni,new campus,new roomies,new(er) friends. I hated my room and roommates,so i was always in her room pretty much,still we (her,zee n i) did most things together even though we were in different faculties and zee was in another hostel,we found the time to hook up in school (guest cafĂ© lunch) and always left school together for weekends (Good ol'days). Things were good until 2nd year,1st semester(nov or dec '06). Everything came crashing down pretty fast,one minute it was attitude,next minute we weren't speaking at all!
I'd lost my first friend in that school. Hmmm only if i can remember the actual reasons why we stopped talking,i know a boy had something to do with it (NO!we weren't fighting over him. I wondered what she was doing with him). I didn't approve of the relationship so much,I didn't care to lose our friendship and thats exactly what happened. She became closer to other friends and so did I. We still had friends in common,but we just had a way of ignoring each other.
Things became tough for her,I heard,I saw but my pride was bigger than me. I'm not sure how it happened but we started talking again sometime in august or September of '08. But I had missed a lot! when I was busy forming "i don't care", even now,sometimes I feel because of what happened we are not as close as we should be, but the truth is I always did and I always will.

Tori n me '10

So here's to the "Miranda to my Carrie" (if you don't know what I mean watch sex and the city). Tough times don't last,but tough people do. She's the one I call when I need to talk,vent,gist...whatever!
I haven't known her the longest or her me,I don't know her the best or her me, but I am glad I know her. I'm glad we were able to work through our differences to where we are today.
I am glad I have Adetorera as a friend and sister. I love you girl,more than you know *muah*

Till next time Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ladies (and Gentlemen)

So over the past week I've come here with the intention to blog, even started typing then changed my mind over and over again. I decided it (read as someone) wasn't worth an entry in my blog. So i shall move right along.

The other day a friend sent me this funny voice note "don't be a weste" (waste) cracked me up but made a lot of sense. So i shall get up and pursue that dream of mine,fully register for the professional class,officially learn how to drive and get that licence, get references and apply for MSc. 2011 I Boluwatife shall not be a "weste" . I shall not let inconsequential things distract me from my goal,laziness shall not thrive over me either. God will provide,He'll lead,guide and protect me.He will crown all my efforts in Jesus name!

So now that i have said that,let me just say this:
Ladies(men can apply this too),if he misses you,he will call. If he cares,he will ask. Do not make excuses for him.
Don't wonder why hes twitting,has u on his bb and still doesn't holla.
If he wants you,he'll come after you.Don't go chasing him.
It's simple He is just not that into you.
Remember that you,my dear are worth more than a man that can't see you or isn't paying attention.
Invest that time you spend analyzing and making excuses for him in yourself and everything will turn out right. I promise.
[Random rant]

On that note I sign out.
Till next time Peace,Love,Harmony and Respect to you and your's

Friday, January 7, 2011

Glass of red...or two

Gosh! My life is so boring! I'm lying here about to polish off a bottle of Rubis red wine at 3:04am. If you know rubis you'd know it's the sweet chocolate flavored wine,popularly said to make one horny (I said popularly said o,I can't actually confirm that *cough*) So anyway this is the point where I form high and drunk tweet/call/bbm/text, but there's no one to catch such trips with gosh! B-O-R-I-N-G!
It's 2011, I need some excitement in my life, someone to excite me...*sigh*
Am I whining? well it's my blog jo allow it!

It's ok sha,it may not come when I want it,but it won't be late;just when I need it.
Peace,Love,Harmony and Respect to you and yours

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Thankful for yesterday...Hopeful for tomorrow

I remember January 1,2010 like it was yesterday. Walking home from church with my cousins a little after midnight,talking on the phone to my (then) boyfriend, apologizing for the wrongs of the past year and making promises for the new year. Fast forward to 3pm Jan1,I took the decision to walk away from the turbulent relationship. I promised myself happiness in 2010 and wasn't going to remain in a relationship that wouldn't work,if on the first day of the new year only a few hours after making promises can't be perfect then what does the rest of the year hold for us?
Turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. I'm thankful for that day,I'm thankful for where I am today,I'm thankful for I have learnt never to settle for less than I deserve.
I haven't found what I'm looking for but I know God will bring him to me,the one He has made specially for me so I don't worry about that anymore.

2010 was all sorts of things for me,so I look forward to a better 2011. A career change is in the works,i'm actually excited about this. May God crown my efforts with success. AMEN!

It is well with us all. Here's to a fabulous year with family,friends who have become family and people with meet and communicate with from day to day *cheers*