Wednesday, May 26, 2010

About nothing...but may be something

See now these are the kind of posts that just go on and on and on, as I don’t have anything in particular to blog about, I just feel like blogging, or maybe I do have something I wanna blog about that’s why I’m here, I just don’t know what it is yet...or maybe I do *sigh* ISSUES!!!

Ok then let’s be random!
~Sometimes I wonder when I’ll meet “The MR”. Have I met him already and I didn’t know? Nah! I would know. I would feel it in my soul when I eventually meet him, I would know in that moment that he’s the one. The MR, imperfections and all...My MR. I promise to be true to you, to care for you, to support you, to open my heart to you, because I know you deserve it; in my heart is where all my good things lie. I would reveal all my faults to you, because I know you can stand them. Because I know you would love me, imperfections and all.
~Last time I blogged about friends and I’ll just say this... “Once my enemy (non literal) becomes your best friend, I know to be wary of you. Where does your loyalty lie?
In case you notice that I pull away from you, don’t ask me silly questions, I don’t trust you!
~I need to go grocery shopping and stop starving myself. I’m not surrounded by healthy food, so I have to go and get it before I explode.
~I miss you terribly
~Someday I’ll wake up and you’ll be forgotten
~These days a very good friend of mine has been irritating me, it’s nothing new, nothing that hasn’t been going on before but these days it’s been irritating me. I wonder why though, it’s pretty weird but I just find myself zoning out.
~If you can’t do something about your situation, stop complaining about it and get to getting. Life is not going to slow down for u to catch up.
~One day baby...I’ll be bulletproof :D ok excerpts of a song. Told you this is a random post.
~I can’t wait for the day that’ll I have enough sleep at night not to feel sleepy at the office. BORING!
~I wanna wear pleather leggings, but I’m not sure how my bum will look in it? Was it made for women with my kinda round-the-corner-2mins-later bum? Ok it’s not that bad but...
~Sex and city is going start showing tomorrow, I must go watch it. Woohooo! Excitement.
~I believe there is a God and He will help me
~I am still broke, even worse than last week. See I need help someone that will share some of my wahala with me.
~It’s going to be a fun weekend. I kent shout, but come thru if you wanna hang

With all these said I hope I’ve been able to convince you that this was a rather random blog post, inspired from nothing but became something.
Till the next time Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours

Friday, May 21, 2010

Just because,therefore no title

Hey ya’ll how is everything going? Life? Love? Work? Finances? Lol yes I’ll remember that ‘cos im broke L
Anyways so today I knew i wanted to blog about something, I just wasn’t sure what. Then I had [I’m having (cos it’s still going on)] a conversation with a “friend” and I share some of my future dreams with him, yes it’s a him, and his reply is “GOOD FOR YOU”. Are you for real? I know you can like appear non-chalant about stuff, well may be because you just don’t care much about me and my issues. So anyway so in the beginning this friend and I were pretty chummy, we used to chat every day, every morning I would wake up to a bbm from him and then all of a sudden life happened, it’s a miracle if we chat in one week, if I cashed a cheque for every time my messages didn’t get a reply...let’s just say I won’t be crying broke.

So that said, today I’m blogging about friendship if you didn’t guess that already. First I’ll tell you the kind of friend I am. I love my friends they are like family to me. I don’t mess with my friends. I make sure I’m there when they need to talk or they just need someone to listen or they just need someone to be there. I believe in my them, I support their dreams and I’m always there to lend a hand and share their excitement, celebrate milestones and achievements, help them up when they fall, encourage when they struggle, be a wind underneath their wings so they may fly. I’ll pray with you and pray for you, God is the ultimate friend. But I’m far from a perfect friend. I am impatient and can be very moody; I have a knack of snapping in and out of moods. I can also be bad at not keeping in touch sometimes (esp if you don’t have a bb J) but I am a good friend that will tell you like it is, keeping in mind your feelings, I’m not a selfish friend.

Now I have all sorts of friends from the highly mature to very childish, from the stubborn to the slightly passive, the loud and the quiet ones. Some are highly ambitious, others are content with allowing a man take care of them. Some are home bodies, others are party goers. Some have connections with the high and mighty, others don’t even care to know “who they know”.
I’m talking about my real friends, those ones that have my back regardless, the ones that have been there for me with every smiley face, every tear over lord knows what, every first date to the heartbreak and disappointment, every drunken night and hungover morning, every scary moment and damn right exciting times. These are the people that just know when to call, what to say, what to do and how to show love that wouldn’t judge me, but be real with me and tell me the hardest truth.

Don’t forget to tell your friends how much you love them and always try to keep in touch. Be a true friend to someone and your life would be soooo much better for it, learn to pick your friends wisely so you don’t regret opening your heart.

Till next time Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and your’s

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Confession, confession, confession...

Father forgive me, for I have sinned...

I confess that I am getting discouraged on this diet thing. I’m not seeing any difference *sigh*
I confess that I don’t really want to be lepa, just drop a couple of dress sizes, that’s lepa enough for me.
I confess that rice and bread wouldn’t be the death of me. It’s so hard to stay away from them.
I confess that whenever I hear my BBM tone, my heart skips and I hope it’s you.
I confess that I get disappointed because it’s never you. OFCOURSE!
I confess that I’m almost positive it’s not who you’re thinking.Amebo, I’m not telling.
I confess that he’s my little secret, I’m not telling either.
I confess that Love don’t leave here no more, it don change address.
I confess that still talk to myself out loud, yes it’s therapeutic but only in private sha :D
I confess that I need a new booty call......#ontothenext
I confess that I am hornery, tehehehe. It’s not easy oh.
I confess, I am BROKE!as in broke.This life is hard!
I confess that sometimes I just tune out and keep to myself. I don’t even want to hear you breathe.
I confess that as I type I am soooooo hungry! All I see is curry chicken!
I confess that even though I shouldn’t, I am highly curious to test how good (or bad) you’d be in bed.
I confess that I love the beach soooooooo much!
I confess that my future hubby n I must own a boat and a beach house and retreat every weekend! (with or without the kids)
I confess I’m a shoe freak, but I’m still broke!
I confess I’m hungry...ok I said that before L
On that note Peace, Love, Harmony and Respect to you and yours, till next time!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cuddle Monday

I typed a whole post about the cold,relationships,heatbreak,God...and blah! It's all gone.
Anyways I'll blog strictly now about cuddle Monday.So it's not news that I'm single, so like most single ladies around Lagos we are feeling this singlehood this cold,wet monday. These are the kind of days i'll whine and say "it's not fair".
1st of January,2010 I swore I'd had enough after 2years n some of breaking up,making up and all other kinds of drama in between. I said to you that if could not love me right on the first day of the year with fresh wishes and promises,how would you love me on all the other days for the rest of the year?! I'd be damned,if i had to go through all that this year.
I just read some blog and she said something about how she never talks to God about her relationships because she feels He has better things on His mind.I used to be like that until i realized i couldn't do it on my own anymore and i needed Him to come and take the pain away. Now i cast all my fears and worries unto Him and allow Him handle it,'cuz I've tried to do it on my own and I've failed. 2 heartbreaking relationships,back to back in 3years. Tough times don't last,but tough people do.
Moving on,maybe i should have put some vodka or litchao in my thermal,that woulda kept me warm at work.Girls are not smiling mehn.
So yesterday was my first day at d gym,thanks to Bims.It wasn't so bad,i survived d beginners level n I actually like Wale,pretty up straight trainer.I'll be going back on friday...excitement *silent scream*
Maybe one day I'll rock a bikini :D ok maybe not sha,but my September I must be selsy...then I shall beach bum for my birthday with a male figure :D

I had a much more interesting post earlier before blogger ate it.I kent shout
Anyways will the next time Peace,Love,Harmony and Respect to you and yours